Sizzling Summer Success, Final Cut: Chill Out!

I’m in the mountains and summer has finally hit. Steamy hot days with a thunderstorm or two between daylight and dark make for a sticky, hot mess.

On days like these, you may find it difficult to meet all your goals and accomplish your to-do lists. So what? Will the world come to an end because you didn’t finish the seventeenth load of laundry? Contrary to what your teenage daughter might tell you, the answer would be no.

Get as much done as you can. If you can’t get the rest completed, don’t sweat it. Chill out. Most likely, there’ll be tomorrow.

Here are a few things that may help you get more done and have more time to chill out:

Work during your most productive time. In Florida, I sweat so profusely, I’ll get dehydrated walking from the mall to my car. No fooling. It leaves me tired and irritable. Not the best time to string words together. You should avoid those times when you are less productive as well.

Find the place that works best and go there. For me, it’s the café at Barnes and Noble. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the books. Or the people. Whatever it is, I really work best there. Go to where you can get the most done in the least amount of time.

Recognize that some days you won’t feel up to it. It’s gonna happen. Accept it. Embrace it. Rest on those days. Chill out. Read a book instead of writing one.

Nothing in life ever goes according to plan. A storm will pop up out of nowhere and rain on your parade. Kids can get sick or break their arm falling off their skate board. You deal with it. It’s life.

When all is said and done, be honest about where you are, what you can do, how you should rest and when you must push through. If you’re lazy, kick yourself in the caboose. If you’re overwhelmed, grab a cup of tea and sit on the porch. If you’re exhausted, rest!

That’s how you will be a sizzling summer success. Listen to your inner voice and follow its direction. You’ll enjoy life so much more by giving yourself a break. Do us all a favor and chill out!


Comments 4

  1. I did just that yesterday. I read a book and gave my mind time to relax…then I spent an hour in the pool. And today I’m refreshed and ready to tackle my revisions. Great advice, Reba!

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      Good for you Pat. I know you have been working really hard on your books. You always seem to know the right thing to do. Maybe I should just follow you around with a video recorder!

  2. I go through periods where when I take a break, it lasts too long – several days! I really admire all of you who can have so many irons in the fire and not give in to throwing up your hands. I always come back though and sites like this are what keep us writers going. Thanks Reba.

    1. Post

      Jan thank you for your honesty. One thing I’ve learned over my life is that no two people are the same. The pace we work, the things we juggle, our dreams, how much rest we need. The key is to find what works for you and give yourself permission to do it that way. That’s what really matters. Thanks for stopping by.

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