As a novelist, I thought I’d escaped all things numerical. Fine with me, as the mention of numbers is reason to cue the white noise in my brain. Through the …
What the Lord of the Rings Taught Me about Crafting Tension in My Novel
In our daily lives, we’re all about doing whatever we can to decrease tension. But when it comes to the lives of our fictional characters, we have to be willing …
2015 and the Two Sides of Change
Happy New Year! Are you ready for some change? It’s the first day of 2015 and one thing’s for certain: This year won’t be the same old, same old of …
Gift Ideas for Writers: Think Hot Tamales Candy and Sonic Cherry Limeade
Wondering what to get that writer in your life for Christmas? I’ve received all sorts of just-right-for-a-writer gifts: •a bracelet made from typewriter keys • a typewriter ornament • a …
Using Body Language to Write Stronger Characters
Sometimes I look up from writing a scene at my computer and my family is watching me. One or two of them look concerned. Another one is muffling laughter behind …