Gift Ideas for Writers: Think Hot Tamales Candy and Sonic Cherry Limeade

Wondering what to get that writer in your life for Christmas?

I’ve received all sorts of just-right-for-a-writer gifts:
•a bracelet made from typewriter keys
• a typewriter ornament
• a mug that says “Writer’s block is when your imaginary characters won’t talk to you”

But when you think of buying a gift for a writer, let me suggest some things that will last through all 12 months of 2015.

Buy a writer Hot Tamales Candy and Sonic Cherry Limeade.

Got your attention, didn’t I? Hot Tamales and Sonic Cherry Limeade are really code for one word: Support. And that’s one of the gifts for writers that will last all year long.

Support – While on deadline recently I felt a bit chained to my computer. My friend Shari called to say she’d be by in five minutes. She showed up at my door with a box of Hot Tamales and a large Cherry Limeade from Sonic – some of my favorite treats. She didn’t linger because she knew my word count was calling. We chatted briefly, she gave me a hug, and then I returned to my imaginary characters with a smile on my face and my surprise afternoon snack. A few months ago, a writer friend sent me a box filled with 30 small wrapped packages with Scripture verses attached – one for each day of the month. Think about it: How can you support your writer friend or family member through 2015 in fun and practical ways?

Time – I’m either staring down a deadline, just off deadline, or gearing up for a deadline. If you haven’t received a contract yet, you’re working hard to find an agent or to write a story that will be accepted for publication. All of this takes time. Time to write. To mull. To rewrite. To put a book proposal together. Real life and writing life often collide in a huge crash of “not enough hours in the day.” Think about it: How can you help a writing friend find more hours in their day? Maybe you could even trade babysitting so that each of you has some writing time. And if your spouse asks what you want for Christmas, don’t say a Starbucks gift card. Say “Time to write.”

Prayer – In the past, I’ve asked a specific trio of friends to pray for me while I’m on deadline. I call them my “spiritual ground support.” At the beginning of each week, I’d email them and ask them to pray for me during the upcoming seven days. They’ve prayed for inspiration, for me to be able to hit my word count, for me to unravel my subplot … all sorts of things. And I know their prayers have made a difference in my life as a writer. Think about it: Is there a writer you could give the gift of spiritual ground support during 2015?



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