ACFW – Are you ready?

I’m at American Christian Fictions Writers Conference in St. Louis, Missouri this week. The place where writers and authors are gathering to learn craft and pitch their stories. For those that are yet unpublished, the anxiety before pitching can be crushing and the stress intense.

I remember my first time walking into a room of writers waiting to pitch. While most were friendly I couldn’t escape just how anxious many of them were. But then again, that year I didn’t pitch a story.

Preparing For The ACFW Conference

I follow another My Book Therapy member, Melissa Tagg and she wrote something on her blog that really impacted me. So much so, I printed it and posted it on the shelf above my computer.

Here’s what it says,

“What if we took the time to write on Post-it Notes words to reflect how we want to make people feel?”

“What if we were bouncing off our seats with excitement for the stories we’re living out each day? And what if acting on these what if’s meant the difference between a so-so existence and a focused, productive and a passionate life story?”

“How about you? What wonderful word(s) would you put on a Post-It Note for your novel…or your life?”

It reminded me of the reason I started this journey. I wanted to write stories that led people to a deeper relationship and knowledge of God. Somehow I got my wires crossed and started feeling like I was about to sink with the seemingly impossibility of it all. Instead I needed a reminder to recognize what a great opportunity I have while living this journey of life and writing.

You Don’t Have To Do It Alone – Brainstorming Help!

As writer’s we are constantly learning new things to improve our craft. That being said, brainstorming is one of the harder aspects of the writing journey for me. It’s amazing, I can help other writers with plotting but when it comes to mine, I get stuck. I was astounded (and greatly relieved) to find out I could get help.

Last week I met with my craft buddies and we had a fantastic time brainstorming. Not only did we flesh out our next novel but Gabrielle Meyer was an awesome hostess. She planned the schedule and created the perfect atmosphere of brainstorming and relaxing. For the most part, we worked in the mornings and played in the afternoons. Listen, if I didn’t love where I lived, I would move to Little Falls Minnesota. Thank you Gabrielle!

If you want to brainstorm with a group, here are a few tips.