God’s Response to Your Excuses

by Angela Ruth Strong, @AngelaRStrong

I recently attended a retreat with my literary agency. It was a wonderful event, and not only because it was held in Savannah, Georgia, but because it offered a ton of training, motivation, and opportunities. At the same time, it was easy to be overwhelmed by the wealth of information and the pressure we writers tend to put on ourselves.

The cool thing about being overwhelmed from the retreat was that we weren’t alone. We formed a support group and continue to encourage each other. The word I shared with my support group this week is one that meant a lot to me, and I believe it’s also for you.

In Exodus 4, God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and called him to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. Moses starts coming up with excuses, and here’s God’s first response. He asks, “What is that in your hand?”

Moses had a staff. AKA a stick. I doubt he ever dreamed it would part the Red Sea or lead to victory in battle. But God knew and had already given Moses exactly what he needed.

Yes, your call is big and overwhelming. It should be, otherwise you wouldn’t have to be called to it, would you? Now take your eyes off whatever it is that scares you or makes you think you’re going to fail, and focus on what you’ve already been given.

That’s it. It’s that simple.

What is that in your hand?

It’s all you need right now. Get excited about how God’s going to use it. For me, it’s this support group of writers I met in Savannah.

Husband Auditions

In a world full of happily-ever-after love, Meri Newberg feels like the last young woman on the planet to be single, at least in her Christian friend group. So when she’s handed a strange present at the latest wedding–a 1950s magazine article of “ways to get a husband”–she decides there’s nothing to lose by trying out its advice. After all, she can’t get any more single, can she?

Her brother’s roommate sees the whole thing as a great opportunity. Not to fall in love–Kai Kamaka has no interest in the effort a serious relationship takes. No, this is a career jump start. He talks Meri into letting him film every silly husband-catching attempt for a new online show. If it goes viral, his career as a cameraman will be made.

When Meri Me debuts, it’s an instant hit. People love watching her lasso men on street corners, drop handkerchiefs for unsuspecting potential beaus, and otherwise embarrass herself in pursuit of true love. But the longer this game goes on, the less sure Kai is that he wants Meri to snag anyone but him. The only problem is that he may not be the kind of husband material she’s looking for . . .

Angela Ruth Strong sold her first Christian romance novel in 2009 then quit writing romance when her husband left her. Ten years later, God has shown her the true meaning of love, and there’s nothing else she’d rather write about. Her books have since earned TOP PICK in Romantic Times, been optioned for film, won the Cascade Award, and been Amazon best-sellers. She also writes non-fiction for SpiritLed Woman. To help aspiring authors, she started IDAhope Writers where she lives in Idaho, and she teaches as an expert online at WRITE THAT BOOK.

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