Four Perspectives to Help Us Thrive in a New Year

by Jeanne Takenaka, @JeanneTakenaka

January first . . . a day that feels like the beginning of a new project. Imagine sitting down at your computer, your heart full with the ideas of the characters, the plot, the setting, and all the beautiful things your story will become. 

As we dig into the dailiness of writing our story, filling the document with words, we run into roadblocks. Sometimes we get stuck, or mired in the distractions of rabbit-trails, or we become discouraged by thoughts that declare this story will be no good. 

The hues of 2020 still tinge this first day of this new year. We’re at the beginning of our 2021 story; it’s one where our choices will sway how it goes. We’ll be challenged by obstacles, and our perspective will determine how we weather them.

Pandemic issues, race issues, and personal issues will still permeate our days. The question is how will we face them?

We have the final say in how we respond to each situation and our lives, and our choices will lead us to triumph or fall. 

We’re not alone as we write our stories. We’re loved by a God who has promised to be with us in every moment of every day.

Perspectives to help us thrive in a new year:

  1. We will encounter obstacles, just like our characters, and we have the power to decide how we navigate them: with God or in our own strength. Will we attempt to confront the blank pages of this year in our own strength, or will we turn to Him to ask for help both in writing our stories with our characters and the story we’re living? 
  2. We don’t know what we’ll face (who could have predicted a pandemic would flip our world upside down a year ago today??), but we know the One who knows the future. We can rest in this truth and trust Him to equip us for the unknowns.
  3. We have a say in how we spend some of our time. If we choose to use our days well, we will meet goals, even in the unknowns.
  4. The Author of our story has good things planned for us. Though our year may not be easy, if He’s writing our story, we can be certain He has good things for us. When we trust our Father, we are assured He’s guiding, protecting, and loving us in the midst of whatever we’ll face.

I don’t know about you, but I’m gearing up to fast-draft a new book. As words flow from my heart to the computer screen, I’ll be guiding my characters’ stories. 

As we begin to write on the real-life pages of our year, let’s remember to allow God to guide the pen we’re using so we can thrive . . . in whatever the next 365 days hold.


Award-winning aspiring novelist, Jeanne Takenaka, writes contemporary inspirational fiction that tackles real-life issues with a heart to draw women closer to God and those around them. She lives near the mountains in Colorado with her amazing husband and two exuberant boy-men. She loves being God’s girl—always learning about His grace, hanging out with friends and enjoying a great cup of coffee. When she’s not writing you can find her with a camera in her hand, looking for #alittlebitofpretty in her days. You can connect with her on her blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

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