Last Minute Emotional Checklist

Many of our Premium Team Members and Voices are packing their bags and putting the final touches on their manuscripts and checking their boarding passes to Indianapolis for the ACFW annual conference.

Going to a conference is a necessary part of a writer’s career for sure but it can really take an emotional toll right in the middle of all your best laid plans. Here are a few things you can expect and how to combat them so you’ll be relaxed and successful when you get to Indy:

Feelings of fear will come. They always do. Whether they manifest as butterflies in your stomach, sweaty palms or downright terror, the fear show up. Expect it. Embrace it. It’s only preparing you for the rigors of the conference. It will pass.

Feeling lost is normal. It’s normal when going through your closet or taking a trip to the mall trying to find the perfect outfits. It’s also expected when you arrive at the conference. It’s ok. Find someone and hook up with them. Or stop by the MBT booth. I’ll give you a hug and a high five!

It feels overwhelming. There will be a moment—or several—when you feel like you’re in the middle of a rapidly sinking row boat. It’s only a sensation. You’re not really sinking. You’re actually riding the wave of authorship. Enjoy it. Not many people get in the middle of the wave!

You may feel unsuccessful. If you have a less than positive encounter, interview, appointment or conversation with someone you feel is an expert in the industry, it can make you want to curl up in a ball like a rolly polly bug. Don’t let it. Some of their advice and propel you forward to publication. Take the good advice and put it to use. Take the bad advice to the trash can and rapidly dispose of it.

The point is, you’re going to feel a lot of different ways in the days leading up to and while you’re at the conference. Don’t let your feelings steer your ship. Take the helm and guide your career in the direction you want it to go. There may be rough seas but you’re equipped to captain your ship.

You can do this. You’ll be fine. Just go through your list minute emotional checklist and you’ll be a huge success!



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