Navigating the Writing Road

As most of you know, I’m currently in the middle of a cross country bicycle tour across America. I’ve seen some really beautiful country, navigated some treacherous roads and had some very interesting adventures.

Along the way, I’ve learned so much about continuing the journey that I want to share with you. These things will help you when you’re navigating the writing road:

You’re never lost. You may not know where you are in relation to somewhere else but wherever you are, that’s where you are! And you’re never alone as long as you’re there!

The hills are worth the climb. When you finally get to the top, a whole new world opens up. You weren’t able to see it while you were digging in, grabbing anything you could to pull yourself to the top. But it’s there just waiting to bless you when you reach the summit.

Conditions are never perfect. You may have blinding thunderstorms or sunny days with a 30mph headwind. If you focus on the imperfection, you’ll miss the blessings. Get over thinking your writing journey will be perfect. It just won’t happen.

Sometimes you need to ask for help. When you reach the end of your rope and you need a place to pull over for a while and rest, have the courage to pull up into someone’s literary front yard and ask them to let you pitch your tent. MBT has hosted numbers of writers when they are tired and weary on the writing road.

If you take a wrong turn, don’t panic. First, remember you’re never lost. Then look for the adventure in where you are. Next, plot out another course. Simple as pie, if you don’t get wigged out because your navigator took you down a road that wan’t on your literary GPS. Life’s an adventure… if you let it be.

Being a writer and navigating the writing road is a lot like packing up all your stuff on a bike and setting off to ride across the country. You have equipment, skill and the desire to make it the entire journey.

But things come up. Your compass malfunctions. Bridges you thought you could cross are closed. You get tired and suddenly, you want to quit. That’s when you need to press through, then rest. Take the time to catch your breath, reassess the reason you’re taking this journey and find the courage to pedal onward.

You’re a writer. You’re on a journey. No matter what, a writer continues navigating the writing road. Keep pedaling!




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