A New Year of Success, Part Three: Love Adversity

I know. You want to hit the delete button right now. There’s nothing fun about the problems you face in life and you don’t mind telling me I’ve lost my marbles for even thinking it. I get it. I really do but, since I’ve been around the block a few times, I’ve learned something very important that I want to share with you: Adversity Rocks!

There is a depth of wisdom you gain by staring in the face of adversity that you cannot get any other way. What’s more, you cannot give your characters what you know nothing about.

Adversity is the gateway to success.

If it weren’t for adversity, what would you bring to the table that was uniquely you? Lots of people can write really well. But only you can create the depth in characters based on your experience.

This morning I passed a woman in a white suit adding two quarts of oil to her car before she could drive it to work. I may have driven by without a thought but I’ve been there. It’s an embarrassing, dirty, never-ending task of literally pouring money right down the drain. I felt a sudden pang for her. I got it.

In your own life, you are blessed with past, present and future adversity. No, wouldn’t even remotely suggest it’s fun or comfortable. But it is one of the most valuable assets you own.

Not only will they help you endure the rigors of the career of an author, but you’ll have an arsenal of feelings and fodder to write about. Don’t believe me? Just think back to your favorite novel. You know… the one with the amazing characters where the author nailed their emotional plight.

If you research that author’s background, you’ll find they’ve endured and overcome adversity. I guarantee it.

So, since you’ve had adversity and you’ll face it again, why not take advantage of it?! Use it to move your career forward. Start looking at adversity as one of the tools in your writer’s tool chest. If you do that, you’ll enjoy a whole new year of success in 2013.

What adversity have you faced lately? What did you do with it? How can you use it to move your career forward? Share it here.

Reba J. Hoffman is a natural encourager and Member Care Coach at My Book Therapy. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling and is the founder of Magellan Life Coaching (www.magellanlifecoaching.com). She is the author of Dare to Dream, a Writer’s Journal published by My Book Therapy. She also publishes a motivational and encouraging blog, FindingTrue North. Contact Reba at reba@magellanlifecoaching.com.

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