Four Gifts No Writer Can Do Without, Part One: Confidence

You may have never thought of it this way but confidence is a gift. Here’s how I know. Not everyone has it. Some folks, particularly writers can do the exact same thing. One gains confidence and the other has anything but.

There is nothing like facing something in your writing career feeling confident. The good news is that you don’t have to sit and hope that someone will wrap some and put it under the Christmas tree for you to open on Christmas morning. You can give yourself the gift of confidence. Here’s how:

Look for and acknowledge the improvements you make. You’re not getting worse at writing. You’re getting better. Even a small improvement should stand out in your mind.

Don’t compare yourself. Comparing yourself to a Pulitzer Prize winner will rob you. Just (don’t) do it!

Set small and specific goals. Every time you reach one, it’s a gift of confidence.

Journal your successes and the steps you take. When you’re feeling vulnerable, your mind won’t pull up those memories. If you have them written down, you can remind yourself.

NEVER give up. Moving forward—however slow you may crawl—always changes you. It’ll give your confidence a real shot in the arm.

Give yourself positive affirmation. Yes, right out loud. Say things like, “I am a great writer” and “I am growing as an author very fast.” I promise. It will help. Words have power.

IF you’re going to be on this journey, confidence is one of the four greatest gifts. It’s not in DNA. It’s not a personality. Nor is it only available to the rich and famous. You have complete power to build your confidence. Work it. Develop it. Care for it like it was a rare and priceless treasure.

You deserve it. You need it. You can do it!

How do you feel about confidence? Do you have it? Need more? Share it here.


Reba J. Hoffman is a natural encourager and Member Care Coach at My Book Therapy. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling and is the founder of Magellan Life Coaching ( She is the author of Dare to Dream, a Writer’s Journal published by My Book Therapy. She also publishes a motivational and encouraging blog, FindingTrue North. Contact Reba at

Comments 2

  1. Why some people have confidence and others don’t has long been a mystery to me. Even as a child I believed I could do anything I wanted to do. Sometimes maybe that wasn’t such a good thing, like the time I thought I could swing on the grapevine and it broke and came crashing down on my neck, but for the most part it’s been good.

    But why did I get confidence and my friend didn’t? She believes that no matter what she does, she’s going to get shot down. I wish I could give her some of mine, but all I can do is encourage her. I’m going to send her this post!

  2. I agree with verbalizing out loud positive affirmations. I started doing that recently over another area of my life and it really made a difference. I must say that finishing NaNoWriMo this year gave me a boost of confidence.

    Thanks for all your encouraging posts, Reba. You are a blessing.

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