Act 2: Scene Flow..Suspense and Romance, what’s the difference?

Sceneflow:  the difference between a suspense scene and  a romance scene?

If you read the last two weeks of posts and chapters about Limelight, you’ll notice that I took a bit more time in those chapters to develop the romance. (Read Chapter 5 & 6 Here Chapter 5 Luke  Chapter 6 Kenzie)  I could have split those chapters into shorter scenes/segments, but I wanted to really cement the romance between them before I launched more into the suspense.  Note they were longer chapters– as the book starts to move faster, I’ll have shorter chapters, or perhaps two or three shorter scenes in a chapter.

So, now that I’ve given them their first kiss, we’re about half-way through the story. (For the purposes of teaching, I’m keeping this novella at 12 chapters – about25K).  I’m going to let the suspense plot take over for a bit here until we’re ready to move into our next kiss.

But first, let’s start with our chapter momentum interview.  Since we ended in Kenzie’s POV, I’m going to let Luke do the talking next.


  1. What did you think about what just happened?

Oh! I am such an idiot! Why did I kiss her?  She was just so….so cute! And wearing my sister’s old shirt, and singing that stupid song and…

I’m a fool.  I’ve forgotten that it’ safer for everyone if I stay under the radar – and alone. How did I let her so far into my life?  Maybe it’s because I’ve never had anyone around.  Or maybe it’s because I wish Icould connect with someone.

Clearly, Ineed to back off, get my bearings…and call Greg and tell him to come and get her!  It’s just…oh, to be able to tell
someone about my past and have them accept me.It felt good.  Like forgiveness, almost.  It makes me want to tell
Darrin’s wife the truth, get it over with.

2.What are your choices?

I fear I’ve put her in jeopardy. I could move her to somewhereelse…where?  Maybe Ruthann’s place. I could call Greg and have him figure out another place for her. And, I’m not going to get near her again, regardless.  She muddles my brain.

3.What will you do next, and why?

I’m going to avoid her.  Call Greg.

4.What is the one thing you fear happening?

That it was a gun barrel on us, that she really is in danger…or I’m in danger.

5.And, if it’s a romance –how do you feel about this person?  What is the one thing you fear happening emotionally?

I fear her getting hurt because I was weak.  I fear her dying because I couldn’t protect her.  Like Darrin.

Okay, that interview also gave me some more insights into Luke.  He doesn’t just want to tell the truth about
Darrin’s heroism, but he blames himself for not getting Darrin out.  He probably tried to go back but the army
wouldn’t let him.  We can work that in somewhere.

Also, it brought up a few ideas for the next chapter. What about RuthAnn?  I’d love for Kenzie to meet her – maybe she sees Ruthann give Luke a kiss?  Ruthann should see how Luke feels about Kenzie, for later.Maybe she even invites Luke to an event – Mother’s Day?  And he’s never gone before, but he’s going to go now (because Kenzie is making him into a better person).  He can’t turn Ruthann down without giving away Kenzie’s cover?

Also…I’m going to weave in here the sense that things are spiraling out of Luke’s control.  Maybe even bring in Candy and her next move.  I want Candy to blackmail Luke to get his story, so in this scene, I’ll end with her ultimatum.  It will give me great fodder for the next scene with Kenzie who sees a great change in Luke and even the onset of his PTSD.

I’m also going to remember that in order to keep the story going, I need a strong ACTION Scene:  Goal,  Conflict, Disaster!

Tomorrow I’ll show you how! Stay Tuned!

Susie May


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