Finding Balance in Writing & Life: When Your Cup is Empty

I knocked over my cup. Tea flowed out of the mug, onto the floor, and raced toward any crack or crevice it could find. I picked up the cup to find it empty, and my shoulders sagged.

I felt like that cup.

Empty. With nothing left to offer.

You see, I spent a week in June at my youngest son’s hospital bedside praying fervently for God to spare his life. A seemingly simple diagnosis of bronchitis led into pneumonia only to have his body attacked by an unknown virus that wrecked havoc on his organs, spiraling him near death.

Oh, and by the way, I had a book deadline that week.

I’ve been blessed with an incredible agent who told me to send what I had finished, and she would take care of the rest. While I listened to the soothing sound of my son’s oxygen humidification in the wee hours of the morning as he slept, I submitted my manuscript to my agent.

By the time we arrived home from the hospital, I rejoiced with the amazing progress my son had made in such a short period of time. Thanks to prayers around the world, he was recovering.

But those difficult days edged with back to back book deadlines have taken their toll.

My cup was empty. I had nothing left to give.

One of my mentors shared this bit of wisdom, “Get some rest. Let the Lord fill you.”

Five simple words.

Let the Lord fill you. 

Matthew 11: 28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

If you’re at a place in your life where you’re struggling to keep your head above water, spend some quiet time with God. Share your pain, your frustrations, your struggles. Then listen. Allow Him to speak truth into your spirit. Lean into the promises He offers. He will give you the grace to endure any challenges that come your way.

Comments 1

  1. Wow Lisa.
    I rejoice with you that your son is healing.
    Thank you for sharing.
    “Let the Lord fill you.”
    Love that.
    Many many blessings to you and your family.
    Warmly, Gail

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