Close the Book on 2013

As the Member Care Coach at MBT, I have the privilege of ministering to you during times of need. I know many of you have faced adversity during 2013. And, I’m sure there are untold others of you who have suffered through your tragedy in silence.

I know of deaths, illnesses, disappointments, financial hardships, emotional pain and life that has gone south. We’ve prayed for so many this year, I dare say more than any other year since the MBT prayer ministry began.

The good news is that this year is rapidly growing to a close. In just a few short hours you can put the period at the end of the year and start a brand new year with a blank sheet of paper in the typewriter of life.

No matter what has happened to you in 2013, you can declare it over and start again on Wednesday. Regardless of how disappointing the events of the year turned out to be, it is now history and you can begin again with a brand new year.

I believe that 2014 will be a year of:

 Restoration: many of you have suffered loss and the climb back out seems insurmountable. But you have God on your side. And He is a God of restoration.

 Celebration: I am convinced that you who have been faithful to God and His calling on your life will have abundant reason to celebrate in the upcoming year. Seeds can only stay in the ground so long before they sprout forth a harvest.

 Dedication: Going through what you have this year, it’s challenging to muster the dedication to keep stringing words together. But God will renew your strength and you will find the will to commit to your prose in a new way.

Put the past–yes, even a very tough 2013—behind you, square your shoulders and look a brand new year right in the eye. Declare it a year of success and jubilee. Determine in your heart you will be successful.

You’re tougher than you think. There lies within you a strength you are unaware of. You will be successful. You will be triumphant. Close the book of 2013 and put it in the back corner shelf. Don’t pick it back up. Look ahead to the new year and move forward.

Old things have passed away. All things have become new. Let go of the past and embrace the new. You’re a talented writer. Embrace that and go forward into 2014 with gusto.

I believe in you. Happy New Year!

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