by Lisa Jordan, @lisajordan One star. Wow. My breath caught in my throat and heat crawled across my cheeks as I read the reviewer’s words that expressed her displeasure after …
How do you get up your flying hours as a writer?
by David Rawlings, @DavidJRawlings You may have heard that to become an expert, you need to have completed 10,000 hours of it. I’m a big believer in this concept – you can …
Writer’s Block – A Myth
by Katherine Reay, @Katherine_Reay Recently I was asked how I handled Writer’s Block. (I’m capitalizing it because it does incite fear and seems worthy of proper noun status.) Without thinking, I replied, …
One Practical Way Authors Can Help Other Authors
by Beth K. Vogt, @bethvogt Authors are busy people. Okay, just about everyone I know is busy. It’s kind of a badge we wear nowadays: I’m busy and I’m proud of …
Tips For Overcoming “Less Than” Syndrome
by Lisa Jordan, @lisajordan I get it. I do. That prickle of insecurity under your skin that slithers through your body, threatening to coil around your heart and choke you. …