Yesterday, I showed you a little trick I use to keep the momentum going between chapters. Here’s how I’m going to apply that trick! After I interview my character and …
Act 2: How to keep the Momentum Going between chapters?
Would you like a trick to keep the momentum going between chapters? One of my biggest frustrations in writing a novel is that I can’t write it all in one …
SEO—What is it and Why Should I Care?
In this day and time, it’s becoming more and more necessary for a successful novelist to have an online presence. For most of us that translates into a blog, Facebook page and Twitter account.
Over the next few posts I’ll cover all these topics, but today I want to start with your blog.
Act 2: Putting all the threads together
We’re building a suspense book live here at MBT, and today we’re onto Act 2, pressing our heroine in to what I call the “fun and games” of the story. …
Setting up Act 2 of your Suspense Novel
It’s time to set up Act 2 of your Suspense novel, and I’m going to show you how by moving onto Act 2 of Limelight, our MBT Romantic Suspense novel …