by Patricia Bradley, @PTBradley1 Last month on NovelRocket, I talked about Step 1 in the 3-Step Formula for writing back cover copy—writing the headline or hook. This month I want to …
How To Keep Motivated To Write
How do you keep motivated to write when you’re 1) burnt out 2) tired 3) haven’t heard the best writing news and/or 4) your muse has gone on vacation to …
Writing Rhythm – How do you find it?
Have you ever sat down to write and just couldn’t get settled in to write? The page is blank. What do you do? Here’s what my friends had to say …
Finding Time To Write With A Busy Schedule
Do any of you wonder how others do it? How do they find time to write? I’m incredibly busy, as I’m sure you are; yet people are successful at writing. …