The book I wish I had ten years ago.

Every once in a while you find a book that you wish you had ten years ago.

This is that book.

When I first met Sharon Jenkins, via a talk show/interview, I knew she was special. Energy and enthusiasm for writers simply bubbled out of her, and I immediately saw her heart to help aspiring writers create profitable businesses.

So, when she mentioned her book, Authorpreneurship: Build a successful business as an Author, I knew it was something we wanted for our MBT Marketplace as a resource for our amazing writers.

She worked long and hard to get it to our MBT specifications – something that could serve traditionally published as well as self-published novelists and non-fiction authors.

This is the book I wish I had when I started my writing journey, and I’m proud to announce the launch of this amazing resource!

Watch my fun interview with Sharon!