Rachel Hauck, Susan May Warren, My Book Therapy

NaNoWriMo Success Tip: How to balance your time!

Listen, I know you’re all swamped with working, running a household and writing NaNo. You probably don’t even have time to read this blog. But in the chance you do, I thought I’d give you a few tips that help me juggle my life as MBT Head Coach, being a sports mom and writing.

Establish a set time every day, or every other day to write and keep this time sacred. Block it out on your calendar. If you only write “when you can,” then there will always be things that will get in the way…from walking the dog to making chocolate chip cookies… Set a time, and keep that appointment with yourself, telling yourself you are investing in your dreams.
Keep a writing Journal and every day log what you have done, and your goals for the next day. You will access different sides of your brain as you are writing than you do when you are working, and instead of always keeping both sides active, if you write down where you were and where you want to go each day, you can let your creative side “rest” while you are at work, knowing you can pick right back up when you return to your writing enclave.