The Etiquette of Commenting, for the Blogger & the Reader

Blogging is a great way to build an online community—when you take time to learn how to do it right. Part of the things you need to learn including how to write a focused post, how to keep to a schedule, how to facilitate conversation with open-ended questions and today’s topic, the etiquette of commenting.

It’s important to know the dos and don’ts of commenting because part of growing your blog means you’ll be leaving comments on other sites, as well as replying to comments on your on site.

Nice Guys NEVER Finish Last with Social Media

I spend a lot of time speaking with people about social media, and in almost every instance the same three concerns come up.

First, the person I’m talking to shares his belief that social media posts are irrelevant and inane. This statement is then followed by the infamous example of how so-and-so posts updates about trips to the powder room and/or coffee consumption.

The second is directly related to the first. I hear complaints about how social media is all about—me, me, me—and the person I’m talking with never wants to be seen like. (Newsflash, neither do I!)

The third is frequently voiced by those new to the medium. They claim they have nothing of value to share.

Today I want to address all three of these issues.

Social Media Minute—Basic Building Blocks for a Strong Online Platform

Anyone who reads this blog knows I believe it’s possible to build a strong platform through social media. I should, I did it. Beyond that, I’ve helped hundreds of other writers do the same things.

But with all the posts I’ve shared over the years, I haven’t lately laid out the basic building blocks, all in one place. Today I’m going to do just that.

Basic Building Blocks

That’s all there are, just three. But when you work them together you can capitalize on the synchronicity that results, here’s how:

Social Media Minute—7 Tips to Help You Get More Comments on Your Blog

Even today—with as many blogs on the Internet as there are—blogging is still a valuable part of building and maintaining an online community. But it’s rare for a blog to take hold and grow, if it’s not a place where comments proliferate. Almost no one likes to be lectured, and that’s what a blog can feel with it the conversation is only one-sided.

I’ll go one step further and add this comparison. Your blog is your Internet home. And because it’s your home, you are responsible for being a good host and making people feel welcome.

Facilitating conversation is just one of the duties of a good host, but it’s the one I want to concentrate on today as I share tips to get more comments on your blog.

Social Media Minute—A List of Social Media Platforms and How They’re Used

I’ve shared a breakdown of social media platforms, along with how they’re used, on my blog in the past. But things change frequently in the digital world so it’s time for an update.

When we know what the focus of particular network is, it’s easier to evaluate if it’s a valuable addition to our personal plan.

So today I’m sharing a new list of social media platforms and how they’re used.