What Happens When You Receive A Critique You Don’t Like?

Merry Christmas!

I don’t know if you’ve had time to work on your bestseller during this busy season, but I’m back with my two favorite editors with tips on navigating the sometime murky waters of critique/craft partners.

(AAT) What do you do when you receive a critique and it’s not what you want to see, read or hear?

(EM) Well, as far as you putting your feelings aside and your no longer sensitive? Twenty-three years into this and that has not happened yet. I’m still sensitive when it comes to my writing, no matter how hard I try. Anytime I receive suggestions, it has a sharp edge to it. Even though it’s not true, in my own mind, it feels like I’ve failed. One thing I‘ve learned for me, is I need to process. I’ve learned to tell my critique partners, I accept that, I think that’s a valuable comment. I’m going to have to go home and play with it and see how I feel about it. I can’t just immediately jump up and down and say “Oh goodie, you’ve made it better.” I have to say “thank you for the work you’ve done” and I have to go home and process. That’s the way it works for me personally because it always feels like I’ve failed.

(AAT) Beth, what about you?

What Is The Best Place To Find Craft/Critique Partners?

Are you busy working through MBTWRIMO?

Pretty soon you will have a first draft. Where will you go from there? Where do you find someone who can understand writing and all the necessary components to make a great story?

We’ve tackled that question today.

I’m back with my absolute favorite editors, Edie Melson and Beth K. Vogt.

If you would like to watch this question and answer session, click here.

If it’s easier for you to read, read on!

Where do you find craft/critique partners and what’s the difference?

What’s Wrong with my manuscript?

There comes a time in every writer’s life when we face the question: What’s wrong with my manuscript?

“What’s wrong?” is not a bad question. We strive to tell the best story we can. During rewrites, we need to know what’s working – dialogue or Storyworld maybe – but what’s not working can overshadow your moments of brilliance.

Today, MBT Retreats Coordinator Alena Tauriainen and MBT Skills Coach Beth Vogt wrestle with the question What’s wrong with my manuscript?