By Toni Shiloh, @tonishilohwrite

The holiday season always puts me in a reflective state. And seeing how this will be my last post for the blog, I was even more in a mood to mull over writing and what I wanted to say. So what did I come up with?
Offering your talents.
If you’re reading this, you believe you have a talent for writing or at least, a passion for storytelling. Welcome to the club!
There are a few things I think of when I think of talents.
1. Don’t let them go to waste.
2. Improve upon them.
3. Give generously with them.
1. When it comes to writing, we certainly don’t want this talent to go to waste. Some writers are hesitant to write a story because they say “it’s been told before.” And I always nod and agree. After all, there’s “nothing new under the sun.” However, the story hasn’t been told by you. Your background, your life experiences, your writing style, all of that differs and is a reason why romance books can be the same (boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy wins girl back) but completely different. It’s why there are genres and subgenres. It’s why readers keep reading their favorite tropes.
But it’s also why they keep looking for new authors. You can contribute and bring a different perspective.

2. Besides not wasting our talents, we want to ensure we are continuously improving upon them. After all, you might join the club of writers who are absolutely embarrassed by their very first book. It’s not because they weren’t excited when they first had it published. No, it’s because their writing has improved! And good thing, because that shows dedication and hard work. They weren’t content to continue writing the same way but wanted to know how to increase their talent and production. Joining writing organizations, going to conferences and/or attending webinars all help a writer hone their craft, even reading blogs like this.
3. But like any blessing, a talent isn’t meant to be hoarded. It’s meant to be shared. We need to give generously of our talents. No, I don’t mean giving of free books, though that’s certainly your prerogative. I mean helping others. Do you mentor newbie writers? Do you write blogs with tips and advice? Do you critique for colleagues? There are many ways you can offer your talents to the writing community at large. Not to mention, keep writing.
I hope that this year has blessed your writing. I pray that the new year will bring many open doors and new excitement. Remember, don’t waste your talent. Pull that dusty manuscript off your cyber shelf and complete it. Keep writing despite any rejections you may receive. And the more you keep writing, the more your talent will improve. Invest in yourself to hone your craft. Then give back. Give back to the person who desperately wants to write a book but doesn’t know where to start. Have ready advice when asked. Enjoy the community you’ve been placed in.
And have a happy new year.
It seems like a dream come true . . . until it forces her to question everything.
Brielle Adebayo is fully content teaching at a New York City public school and taking annual summer vacations with her mother to Martha’s Vineyard. But everything changes when her mom drops a bombshell–Brielle is really a princess in the island kingdom of Ọlọrọ Ilé, off the coast of Africa, and she must immediately assume her royal position, since the health of her grandfather, the king, is failing.
Distraught by all the secrets her mother kept, Brielle is further left spinning when the Ọlọrọ Ilé Royal Council brings up an old edict that states she must marry before her coronation, or the crown will pass to another. Brielle is uncertain if she even wants the throne, and with her world totally shaken, where will she find the courage to take a chance on love and brave the perils a wrong decision may bring?
Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom, and an award-winning Christian contemporary romance author. She writes to bring God glory and to learn more about His goodness. A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and of the Virginia Chapter, Toni seeks to encourage authors in the writing industry. She loves connecting with readers and authors alike via social media. You can learn more about her writing at
Comments 1
A beautifully inspiring post. Thank you, Toni!