Move Past Your Writer’s Block

by Tammy Karasek, @tickledpinktam

I’ve noticed a lot of talk about Writer’s Block of late. Several articles were opposite of each other, and I wondered … well, is it a thing or not? Seems to me since so many folks have talked or written about it, it must be a thing, right?

I will raise my hand to say, I for one, believe there is something to it, because I’ve had an issue with writer’s block off and on this year. I’ve caught it a time or two. Like a cold virus, it has enveloped me into a paralysis unable to breath because of its squeeze to suffocate me. The more I would think about my lack of any word count done for the day, the more I would stress. I’m not the only writer that has dealt with this, either. I’ve heard plenty of writer’s share their angst about their lack of ability to sit down and write.  

I was determined to figure out the reason for my writer’s block and I noticed several reasons: 

  • Most of my writer’s block is me blocking the act of writing. 
  • I haven’t placed a priority on writing and written it first in my calendar.
  • I haven’t given myself deadlines or goals to reach.
  • I’ve let things—anything—grab my attention when I should be … “hey look, squirrel”.
  • I’ve picked up another virus, besides the cold, of I’ll do it tomorrow-itis. 

Once I saw what had pulled me away from my writing time, I decided to make a plan of attack. Since I, and so many of us, carry our phones with us wherever I go, I came up with an idea that has helped with that block. I realized that without my normal routine, it became easier to put off until tomorrow that which I should get done today. 

Since I sit down daily to my computer in the morning, I now pull out my planner first. Because I have taken the time at the end of the week to write in all my spots I will write the next week, I remind myself that those spots are high priority—non-negotiable. I go through my notes in my planner, look over the day’s items to be done, and get going. 

When I hit a writing block, I look back at the planner. I keep a post-it-note that moves from day to day of house projects I’d love to get finished and unclutter my mind of. I’ll pick one, grab my phone and head off to the project. I set my timer for twenty minutes and work fast and furious to complete that task. Once the timer rings, I stop and go back to write. My mind has cleared the distraction and I can get back to work. It’s been a win-win for me. 

As an example, the other day I knew I needed to go to the grocery store. It’s been a while and the time had come to go. I barely got out of my neighborhood and a scene erupted like a shaken can of pop when opened. Sure, now that I’m not at my computer. But that handy phone we carry came into play. 

At the next red light, I pulled out my phone, opened voice memos and rattled off the idea for the scene. I can talk faster than write and I was able to get a bit of the scene recorded. Win! At the store, it hit again. I rattled off another idea into my phone. 

Grocery pick-up now done, I headed home excited to get to my desk and put those scenes into my Scrivener project. I was quite pleased with my productive self. I’d completed two things on my to do list—groceries and a scene or two for my WIP. 

That’s what I’ve been doing during this hot summer in order to keep my words flowing. If you have been struggling to write, might I suggest you try something different than your usual writing routine? My idea of the phone is one of the ways I’m trying to change it up for myself. I’m a creature of habit, and I want to sit at my laptop and get the words done. But that’s not the case of late. I’ve stepped out of my normal routine and taken advantage of a tool that’s nearby at all times. 

Another way I’ve worked on this crazy writing block was to write my ideas/scenes out in longhand sitting in my car in a grocery store parking lot. People watching often spurs on ideas to use in your writing piece.

Have you moved to a different form of getting your word count in this summer? Do tell, it seems many of us are in a struggle with writer’s block in these last few weeks of summer and we’d love to hear your great ideas.

Tammy Karasek uses humor and wit to bring joy and hope to every aspect in life. Her past, filled with bullying and criticism from family, drives her passion to encourage and inspire others and give them The Reason to smile. She’s gone from down and defeated to living a “Tickled Pink” life as she believes there’s always a giggle wanting to come out! 
A writer of Romance—with a splash of sass. She’s also The Launch Team Geek helping authors launch their books and a Virtual Assistant for several best-selling authors. Her first book, Launch  the Book! released Fall 2023. Her works have been published in a Divine Moments Compilation Book—Cool-inary Moments and The PAC Method for Writers Compilation Book. She’s also the Social Media Manager for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, Founding President and current Vice-President of ACFW Upstate SC, and Founding President of Word Weavers Upstate SC. She’s a writing team member for The Write Conversation Blog, Novel Academy, MBT Monday Devotions, The Write Editing and more. Connect with Tammy at

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