Small Disciplines Create Big Wins

by Kariss Lynch, @Kariss_Lynch

I started a new discipline this week: A postpartum 30-day slim down eating and workout plan. And it is the WORST…and the best all at one time.

The recipes aren’t complicated. In fact, they are made for on-the-go moms. But I still have to make them.

The workouts aren’t difficult. In fact, they are broken into 10-15 minute increments that I can easily do throughout the day with a toddler running around. But I still have to do them.

And my book and your book? The one that feels like a monumental task and one that needs hours and hours of dedicated time? It’s not so different from my slim down plan. It requires small pockets of your time that you squeeze in here and there throughout your day and week. Sounds so simple. 

The hard part is committing to write.

That’s what I’m learning in this season of young kiddos, a million book ideas, and newborn sleep deprivation. I can create small disciplines, new rhythms to create long term big wins. I just have to commit to doing the work. And the hardest part? The mindset switch to seeing those small, daily disciplines as wins. 

Maybe you’re there, too.

Maybe you committed to that social media challenge and only got a handful of followers. 

Maybe you’re like me and just had a baby or have young kids and the time between nursing sessions is spent just trying to stay present and keep the house from imploding.

Or maybe you have older kids or an empty nest, but your time is now filled with sports games and activities for those older kids or grandkids, Bible studies, work commitments, etc. Your calendar is full and your word count is non-existent.

What if…

What if you and I made a commitment to carve out small moments to just get words down on the page, or a character brainstormed, or half an outline completed?

200 words on the page is better than zero. A paragraph edited and polished is one less you need to finish tomorrow. A quick social media post to encourage and check in with your people is better than avoiding it all together because you don’t have time to come up with something clever or profound. 

I’ll admit that my brain struggles with this. I tend to be all or nothing when it comes to work. I like the candle lit, my desk clean, gentle music playing, the house quiet, and time for my inner muse to speak. But sometimes, I need to sit down even when the mood isn’t set and a lengthy amount of time is nonexistent and tell the muse it is time to speak. In order to be faithful to this writing gift the Lord has given me, I’m working hard to retrain my brain to write in the margins, moments, and pockets of my day. And I’m calling it a success. Because I’m farther than I was yesterday, and I’m one day closer to completing a beautiful story. I treasure the long, cozy, enlightened writing sessions. But I will discipline myself in the small moments, because those moments add up. The create a book, and that’s a big win for you, me, and our readers.

What if…

What if we committed to find 20 minutes today to create a small discipline and ultimately a big win? This blog is my win today. What’s yours?

In it with you, friend. You’ve got this. 

Heart’s Cry

When a car almost runs over him in the middle of a snowstorm, ex-Navy SEAL Micah Richards knows he’s hit rock bottom. After the deaths of several of his teammates, Micah is sure of two things: he only hurts those he tries to protect and their deaths are his fault. He has one family left on his list to pay his respects but stranded on the side of a mountain in the middle of the night, Micah has run low on options until Casey Stewart comes careening into his life.

The last thing Casey wants is a man, especially one as charming and handsome as Micah who reminds her of her heartache from high school. And especially not when she has so much on her plate: kids trapped in the middle of bad neighborhood cycles at home and a sister who needs out from under their mother’s roof. But helping is in her nature, and something about Micah makes her want to let him in.

Now in the same city, Micah and Casey just can’t seem to stay away from one another, despite Casey’s best efforts. The more, he gets to know the community, the more he wants to stay. When a local drug dealer goes awry, Casey has only one person to turn to—the one who could hurt her heart the most. Micah must face the demons of his past to fight for his new team and new dream—a woman with the heart of a warrior who fights for others. A woman he would die for.

Kariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves writing romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, Kariss goes on adventures with her own personal handsome hero, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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