Learning How to Overcome Discouragement

By Mandy Boerma, @mandyboerma

Hours alone with nothing but time to work on your story. A piping hot cup of coffee, a handful of chocolate or a salty snack—sounds like a perfectly productive situation. 

Or after weeks on end—a very lonely one. 

And with loneliness comes discouragement. 

It’s something we all face as writers. Sooner or later, we look at our work, which we’ve poured hours upon hours into, and wonder what on earth we’ve been wasting our time doing. 

Sometimes discouragement settles in after a difficult edit. 

Or when writers block sets in.

Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to fight off discouragement forever and ever, amen. As a writer who has faced her fair share of dark moments on the perilous path to publication, there are some easy ways to make sure your arsenal is full, and ready to battle when the depths of despair comes nipping at your heels.

Friendship. It sounds easy enough, but not just anyone will do. A writer, much like the main character in your story, needs a friend (or more than one) who will speak truth into your life. Remind you of your calling and uplift your spirit. Someone who has walked the path before, or is walking it with you, who will offer words of encouragement. Someone who will say the hard things, in a kind manner. Someone who loves you, and understands that the imaginary people in your head are like your best friends, even if they don’t always cooperate with your story plan.

Rest. Sometimes life gets in the way of our writing, and we write all hours of the day to make our word count goal or meet a deadline. Unfortunately, copious amounts of caffeine can do more to make you jittery than boost your brain activity. While there’s not a lot you can do when a deadline comes knocking, sometimes you have to step back, take a short break in the form of a power nap or a walk around the block to fight off the roller coaster of emotions. A change of scenery, a quick break, or even a snack can improve your outlook. 

Prayer. I find praying the best way to fight off my discouragement. For me, writing is a calling, and sitting my behind down in a chair and working on my story is an act of obedience. Sometimes it’s hard. It’s a struggle. I don’t feel worthy, prepared, or capable. But God never promised our journey would be easy, just that He would see us through. I know that the One who created me, who called me to write, will not leave me hanging when I need Him most. Keeping my focus on the One who called me to this path, is the best way I’ve found to fight off discouragement. 

Scripture memorization. Since I feel that writing is a calling, I’ve claimed scripture to keep me focused. When I first started on this path my goal was to say with the Psalmist, “That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” (Psalm 26: 7) I can’t do that, if I let discouragement win. 

Discouragement will come, but it doesn’t have to overcome you. Be prepared, fight back. Focus on God, surround yourself with faithful friends and take a break when you need it. 

You can overcome discouragement.

You’ll Be Mine

He just wants to leave the past behind him…

International hotel manager Ben Carter is not sticking around Hearts Bend. He’s just home to sell the inn he inherited from his grandparents. The place holds all his best memories—especially the ones that include regular summer guest Cami Jackson. But she’s been out of his life for years, and she’s not coming back.

She is headed for a glorious future…

Real estate developer Cami Jackson is ready to take over as VP of her father’s company, Akron Development. When the Hearts Bend Inn comes on the market, she wants to swoop it up, if only because of the sweet memories of her favorite summers. The last thing she expects to find is her first love back to sign on the dotted line.

But a first love won’t let them go…

The more time Cami and Ben spend together, the more they realize they have unfinished business. Suddenly, an impulsive decision could turn into a lost-but-found dream. But for Cami’s father, the inn holds memories of a terrible tragedy, and he wants to kill the deal.

Will their lost dreams survive another betrayal?

A heart-healing story of second chances set in the charming town of Hearts Bend!

When Mandy Boerma isn’t hanging out at her favorite coffee shop writing, she’s a busy mom. After meeting Prince Charming, they started their own version of Happily Ever in the Florida Panhandle. Nothing compares to life at the beach. While those early days included romantic sunset walks with sand between our toes, days are now filled with sandcastles, swimming and school. Mom-duties fill Mandy’s days. You know them all— cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, organizing, helping at school, all the lessons and practices, homework, etc. And because that’s not enough, she also teaches piano, normally with coffee in hand. You can connect with Mandy at www.mandyboerma.com.

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