The Interesting Writer: Creating Effective Content Responsibly

by Peter Leavell, @PeterLeavell

Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

*Professor Leavell stands in front of the room. His arms are crossed, and his voice is stern.

“You’re asked a question. Then I see you take a moment, a fraction of a second to look away into the depths of your mind.”

“In 1.7 seconds, your brain has uploaded the answer from billions of random facts into your working memory, itemized individual details into some semblance of importance, and outlined a rough structure. By the time you open your mouth to answer, you’ve rewritten a level of sophistication to your argument.”

*Professor Leavell leans forward. 

“And that’s not normal.”

*He points a finger.

“You’ve learned to write. And that makes you absolutely deadly.”

*He paces and counts off on his fingers.

“You create scenes with multilayered plot structures, all the while understanding human psychology and emotional trauma so you can reach your reader. You use precise, clear words to make yourself understood. And you don’t bore. That last part is the killer. Because in a world of the mundane, of the volatile, screaming American who is tuned out by the public, you entertain. Which makes you heard.”

*He pauses and crosses his arms again. 

“So, in 2022, I challenge you to do two things. First, hone your craft, whether you’re posting on social media, a blog, speaking, or writing novels or academic works. Be an example of good rhetoric.” 

“And secondly, make sure you’re right. Learn to see all angles of an issue and be able to argue against your own beliefs to perfect your argument or thought.”

“When we raise the level of rhetorical banter, the best ideas and books float to the top and everyone wins.

“Class dismissed. Communicate responsibly, my friends!”

West for the Black Hills

Philip Anderson keeps his past close to the vest. Haunted by the murder of his parents as they traveled West in their covered wagon, his many unanswered questions about that night still torment him.

His only desire is to live quietly on his homestead and raise horses. He meets Anna, a beautiful young woman with secrets of her own. Falling in love was not part of his plan. Can Philip tell her how he feels before it’s too late?

With Anna a pawn in the corrupt schemes brewing in the nearby Dakota town, Philip is forced to become a reluctant gunslinger. Will Philip’s uncannily trained horses and unsurpassed sharpshooting skills help him free Anna and find out what really happened to his family in the wilderness?

Peter Leavell, a 2007/2020 graduate of Boise State University with a degree in history and a MA in English Literature, was the 2011 winner of Christian Writers Guild’s Operation First Novel contest, and 2013 Christian Retailing’s Best award for First-Time Author, along with multiple other awards. An author, blogger, teacher, ghostwriter, jogger, biker, husband and father, Peter and his family live in Boise, Idaho. Learn more about Peter’s books, research, and family adventures at

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