Heed the Call and Choose to Hustle

by Heidi McCahan, @HeidiMcCahan

One of my favorite parts of the writing journey is connecting with other writers. I love hearing about unique experiences and paths toward publication. Since technology makes it possible to connect with virtually anyone from the comfort of home, there are so many ways to engage with writers from around the globe. I’m thankful for the opportunity to bond over shared struggles, encourage one another with positive feedback, and offer advice to solve dilemmas. We cheer about the good news as well, celebrating new contracts and book birthdays. In a profession that requires working mostly in solitude, it’s helpful to know we are part of a larger community.

Lately, I’ve encountered several writers in online groups who are ready to bail. These dejected folks often share a substantial list of reasons supporting their decision to call it quits. The laments have a common denominator: a lack of progress. From their perspective, there’s nothing to celebrate. No compelling reason to press on.

These comments generate considerable discussion and plenty of empathy. We’ve all been there. I’ve wrestled with a self-defeating mindset more often than I want to admit. It’s sad when someone abandons the writing life. When I see someone give up, it hurts my heart. I just want to gather every single discouraged writer friend into a virtual locker room and inspire them with a halftime pep talk that would make Vince Lombardi stand up and cheer. So grab a cuppa and settle in because here are five helpful strategies I’ve used to tame negative thought patterns and keep my head in the game.  

Heed the call: this simply means to listen and acknowledge that as creatives, we are equipped with unique talents and abilities to produce stories that will inspire and encourage our audience. We have access to the tools we need to get the job done. 

Choose to hustle: Our calling requires an active, measured response. Writing a novel is a journey. Yes, there will be obstacles and setbacks, but there will also be sweet rewards and incredible growth opportunities. There will be good news to celebrate, if only we will take the first step. So focus on eliminating those negative thoughts and excuses that stifle productivity. Instead of pondering all the reasons starting a story might be difficult, choose a positive mindset. Get to work. Choose to hustle.

Start small: Susie and the entire team at Novel Academy have provided an incredible framework for setting goals and working toward publication. There’s no need to reiterate what they’ve already taught. This is just a gentle reminder to step out in faith and start writing. One page a day becomes two, five hundred words becomes one thousand… with consistent, diligent effort a story idea becomes a first draft. 

Look for inspiration: Bethany Hamilton’s documentary Unstoppable is currently available on Netflix. Her passion for surfing and desire to achieve greatness as an elite athlete is incredibly inspiring. She said, “I don’t need easy, I just need possible.” Her perspective applies to the writing life. It isn’t easy, writing a complete novel, but it is possible. Stories like Bethany’s (and countless others) remind us that we can accomplish our goals if we are willing to do the work and persevere.

Rediscover the joy of reading: One of the best ways to understand story structure and genre expectations is to read voraciously. I’ve encountered several writers who vehemently resist this recommendation, but I would argue reading is an essential component of the writing life. If you want your manuscript published, then you need to read the books that are in the marketplace now.

Thomas Edison once said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” If you are a writer, then look for opportunities to share your writing with the world. Yes, it’s difficult. Writing is hard work. The rewards are satisfying, though. So heed the call and choose to hustle, because there’s an audience who needs to hear your message.

An Unexpected Arrangement

Changing your life is never simple…

He needed a fresh start,

but twin babies weren’t part of the plan…

Hoping to start over, Jack Tomlinson intends to leave his hometown—until twin babies are dropped on his doorstep. He needs help, and the best nanny he knows is Laramie Chambers. As they bond over the babies, Jack can’t help but feel drawn to Laramie. But proving he’s not just her friend’s irresponsible brother could be a bigger challenge than suddenly becoming a dad…

Heidi secretly dreamed of writing a book for most of her childhood, but a particularly painful rejection letter in middle school convinced her to tuck that dream away. Instead, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Sports Medicine from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington and a master’s degree in Athletic Training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After a brief career as a Certified Athletic Trainer, Heidi married her husband Steve. Then she dusted off her big dream of becoming a published author and launched her first contemporary romance into the world in 2014. A huge fan of coffee, dark chocolate and happily ever after, Heidi currently lives in North Carolina with Steve, three active boys and one amazing Goldendoodle.

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