Engagement in Writing

by Tammy Karasek, @tickledpinktam

Are you an engaged writer? No, I’m not talking about new shiny bling on your left hand. I’m referring to engagement related to your writing. Stick with me as I ask a few questions, and explain. 

My first question is are you engaged with your readers? If you are writing on your website blog, sending a newsletter and have social media accounts where your readers can find you—do you regularly go back to check for comments and/or questions?

If you don’t, you’re missing out on a great opportunity. To be engaged with your readers in essence is to build relationship. And relationship builds your reader’s desire to stay connected to you and your work. Then from that, relationship builds a platform of—wait for it—engaged fans. As writers, that’s what we want, people who enjoy our work and want to stick around for other books we will write. Or will challenge us to write better and keep persevering. 

As a reader myself, I love seeing an author jump in and respond to others’ comments as well as my own. I enjoy when they write a blog post, fun newsletter or make an Instagram story and just share what’s on their minds, teach us a tidbit and encourage us as writers to keep doing the thing … sitting at the keyboard sharing what the Lord lays on our hearts. Don’t you?

Another question is are you engaged as a writer in what you’re writing about. Have you done your research, or are you slacking? Be engaged with the topic. Know the terms and not just how to spell them. Be confident you could explain or describe the word or terms you’re using.

For example, my current work in progress has a strong cooking and chef element throughout the book series. I could watch a couple cooking shows and count the many years I’ve cooked supper for my family and write away. However, those of us who’ve actually graduated from a cooking school (I really did), flip out of our chairs as we watch some of those TV shows and their hosts give poor instruction or information. I’ve watched a couple shows or You Tube Videos of several popular social media folks and their knife skills are scary. It’s not scary like “I’d do that so much better” it’s a basic “oh my goodness, she’s going to cut her finger off holding that item like that” kind of scary. 

Can you imagine a Criminal Investigator reading a book and shaking his/her head thinking we never do it that way, too dangerous for both the criminal and ourselves? The writer may think binge watching a couple seasons of Chicago PD could fill their repertoire of terms and ideas. However, not only true detectives would catch those faux pas, but readers are pretty savvy as well. Don’t try to fool them.

We’ve heard over and over use Deep POV, but what if we add to that use Deep POR or Deep Power of Research. Do your homework and do it well.

The last question I’ll ask is are you engaged within your writing community? Being in connection with other writers through the different opportunities of critique groups, mastermind groups, craft partners and even conferences are just a few terrific ways of walking this journey alongside other writers. They get what it takes to be a writer, too, and can help with  brainstorming, accountability and encouragement. Likewise, when you’re engaged in this type of connection, you have the ability to give back as well.  

In summary, are you engaged in the three R’s of writing?

1. Readers

2. Research

3. (w)Riters —hey, it sounds like an R! (Wink)

I do hope that you are. 
I’d love for you to Respond to this post and share with all of us your thoughts on engagement as a writer.

You’ll find Tammy using humor and wit to bring joy and hope to every aspect in life. Her past, filled with bullying and criticism from family, is the driving force of her passion to always encourage others and give them The Reason to smile. She’s gone from down and defeated to living a Tickled Pink life as she believes there is always a giggle wanting to come out! She’s been married to her college sweetheart, Larry, for 39 years, a mom to their grown daughter, Kristen, and wrapped around the paw of a little dog named Hattie. Born and raised in Ohio, now lives in South Carolina. She’s the Blog Editor for Word Weavers International, the Past-President and current member of Word Weavers Upstate SC, Social Media Coordinator for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference and a Coordinator for the BRRC (Blue Ridge Reader Connection). Also a member of ACFW and My Book Therapy/Novel Academy. A writing team member for The Write Conversation, contributor for Southern Writers Magazine-Suite T Blog and the Learn How to Write a Novel Blog and others. Published in the Divine Moments Compilation Book—Cool-inary Moments.

Connect with Tammy: Email: tammy@tammykarasek.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tickledpinktammy/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tickledpinktam

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tammykarasek/

Website: https://tammykarasek.com

Comments 2

  1. Amen! Great advice for non-fiction writers too. 🙂 Every “Light Writer” (aka Christian writer) needs to be engaged with their followers and fans. Yes, we must have a platform to be of any interest to agents and publishers; but more we need people who can and will speak into our lives and help us become better writers, friends, and Christians. Well said author!

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