The Kids Are Home Now What?

by Alena Wendall, @alenawendall

As most of us are at home during this time, I thought I would offer up some ideas if you suddenly have a houseful of children at home.

  1. Wear them out. They have PE at school right? Let them have PE at home too. ☺  Better yet, workout with them.  There are plenty of online options out there.
  2. Activity Sources Online. This is one time I am super excited for all of the websites and things available for the kids to do online. 
    1. Check out your school or local library or your church for online activities. Many churches are hosting online services and include children’s church with a daily devotional and activities on their websites for the kids. 
    2. Zoom. What is it? An app that allows several people to see each other and chat online. I use it for work and for friends. Let your kiddos talk to their friends. Maybe schedule a group game with friends via Zoom. Embrace technology!
  3. Radio Shows. They really aren’t a thing of the past. Let them use their imagination via listening. One show my kids loved was Focus on the Family’s Odyssey. They have some free episodes at  
  4. Lastly, I recommend sticking to a regular school schedule. My kids had a summer schedule. The schedules went something like this: wake up, breakfast, quiet time, get dressed for the day, practice their handwriting, math tables, outside time, lunch, reading, chores, free time etc. 

Spending Time Together

We are a crazy busy society. Between work, kids’ sports, kids extra-curricular activities – we seem to all be on the go, constantly. I believe this forced slow down, with the right perspective, will draw us together as a family.

Here are some ideas:

Watch Old Family Movies. Remember those camcorders? This is a perfect time to watch them as a family. My kids love watching these and they are now grown. Warning: Bellyful of laughter will follow. 

Puzzles. Complete puzzles together. You will be amazed at some of the conversations that come while putting puzzles together. You can even set up two puzzles and make it a challenge — siblings vs parents etc.

How To Fit In Writing Time With A Houseful

  1. Let them sleep! When I grew up, it was almost a sin if you were in bed past 8am. I say, let them sleep and use that time to write. 
  2. Trade Time. If your spouse is at home, trade off time to write while he/she engages the children.
  3. Reading Time. When they have reading time, you can use that “quiet” time to write. 

Finally, I want to leave you with a scripture that has helped me through all of this, Psalm 91.  Print it, post on your mirror, let your kids memorize it. It’s a fantastic Psalm for this season. Believe me, I’ve done all of the above!


Alena T. 

Writing as Alena Wendall, Alena Tauriainen pens contemporary Christian romance novels that always end with a happily ever after. By day, she partners with her lifelong mate Clyde, to run the family HVAC business. She manages both business and family life with four lovable but crazy kids. She is the Retreats Coordinator for My Book Therapy. She is represented by Rachelle Gardner with Books & Such Literary Management. Visit her at

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