The Three Ds of Writing

by Rebecca Yauger, @RebeccaYauger

Anyone who is part of this writing journey knows it is not an easy road. There are times I even wonder if this is my true calling, yet in the long run, I know that I want and need to write.

But with messages being thrown at you left and right, it can be confusing on how you accomplish your writing dream. There’s the newest craft book or the latest greatest software that will turn you into a real writer, or you must outline or no, just let it flow and write by the seat of your pants. Don’t forget the perfect writing group you absolutely MUST join. It’s easy to get lost with how you “should” be writing.

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to step away and go back to the basics. That’s the time to remember the three Ds of Writing. The three Ds are desire, dedication, and discipline.

The Desire to write: This is your dream, your calling, your scribbling of stories when you were a kid. God gave you this gift. We need to remember our desire and why we want to write.

The Dedication to write: Don’t confuse dedication with discipline. Dedication to me is learning, reading, growing in your craft, striving to improve and finding your own way, the best method of writing that works for you. Dedication to the craft also means understanding the industry and the business side of writing. This is your career, something you’ve been called to do, so along with the desire, have the dedication to improve, learn and grow. Never stop learning.

The Discipline to write: Yeah, I know, everyone hates this D-word. If you don’t discipline, try determination. Either way, you must have this D. Remember, when you have discipline to go to the gym, then you’re healthier. When you have discipline to not eat that second donut (or even the first), then it’s better for you.  If you have the discipline (and determination) to write, then your backside is in the chair, hands are on the keyboard, and you’re typing words.

You can dream of being a writer, have the desire, even dedicate yourself to learning the craft, attend conferences, and take courses, but without the final D of discipline to get words on paper, to have something to re-write, to edit, and polish, then you’re only dreaming of writing.

However, there’s one D you want to stomp out, and that’s Doubt. When in doubt, open yourself up to being scared, acknowledge it, then overcome it with prayer, and by remembering the other D’s. Keep pushing ahead. Don’t forget your desire, your gift, be dedicated by reading craft books and staying immersed in the writing world. Then have the discipline and determination to set everything else aside and get words on paper.

Allow the 3 Ds work together to reach your goals.

Rebecca Yauger worked for 15 years in radio and television broadcasting, before starting on her writing career. She’s been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Guideposts Magazine and continues to scribble away on various projects. She also blogs at Becky was past Vice-President and Membership Director for American Christian Fiction Writers (, and currently serves as ACFW’s Web Manager. Becky and her husband live near Dallas, have two grown children, and two beautiful grandchildren.

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