Finding the Source of Inspiration

By Kariss Lynch, @kariss_lynch

One of my favorite parts of writing books is collecting the pieces and weaving them together into a cohesive story. People often ask where my inspiration comes from and the answer is literally EVERYWHERE. But for the past few books, I’ve looked to a few key sources when I need extra fuel and inspiration.

  1. Lyrics

Song lyrics often paint poignant pictures of the human condition, tendencies, and even life stories. Music forces the writer to be precise, to use catchy lines and phrases that will stick in the hearts and minds of listeners. Song themes often inspire my writing. A year ago, I attended a NEEDTOBREATHE concert with two writer friends. As the band sang “Cages” on stage, I saw the makings of a novella series with characters I had already created for a previous novel. Using lyrics from other songs as themes and titles, I plotted out three novellas to release in tandem with an upcoming full-length novel.

  1. Articles and Personal Accounts

I like writing what I don’t know because it forces me to engage in stories and accounts that I might not have heard or read otherwise. I just finished a round of edits on a book centered around a heroine who champions kids in a lower income neighborhood in my own city. I have friends who mentor in this area. My church partners with non-profits in this area. So, I used my contacts and spent a couple hours on the phone, interviewing, asking questions, and engaging in the stories of people who live in and minister in this area all the time. Not only did it stir my heart but it helped shape my story. While I was careful not to use exact stories they shared with me, I did take and adapt what they shared into scenes that flowed within my own narrative.

  1. Biographies and Autobiographies

When working on my first series, I asked a reliable source for recommendations on good and accurate books to read about Navy SEALs. In one of these books, the author spent almost an entire chapter describing his teammates and the roles they played. I loved the scene so much that I decided to shape a similar scene in my own fiction novel with my own characters. I gave them new quirks, roles, motives, and back stories. It became one of my favorite scenes of the whole series, and it all started with reading a chapter in an autobiography.

Inspirational sources are a catalyst with my stories. But then I take those elements, ask “what if”, and create my own unique narrative. It often takes a lot of sweat and tears to weave the elements together, and unfortunately, they don’t always fit. But I save the pieces I love for the next story. Those nuggets of inspiration are never wasted. My job is to find their forever home in the story they will benefit most.

Kariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and writes contemporary romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, she hangs out with her family and friends, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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