From Hobby To Writer

by Alena Tauriainen, writing as Alena Wendall @alenawendall

You’ve played around with this thing called writing.

You’ve gotten over the fact that fake people talk to you.

You’re ready to go from pondering writing a story to doing it. Maybe even publishing!

Yay!!! You’ve joined the rest of us crazy people. Snort.

No, really, welcome to the world of creating, creating stories that matter, stories that can change a person’s perspective, soften a hard heart and touch people as only your unique voice can.

There are small and big steps you can take. Some steps are easier than others.

Learn the craft. Plot is just one aspect of writing. Research and look for craft books on writing. I recommend books from authors that are multi-published. There are several available from Learn How To Write A Novel.

Local Writing Groups

Writing doesn’t have to be solitary. There many, many writers on this same journey. Look for local writing groups. One that you can get to know people. Not the easiest thing, if your introvert. It’s doable though!

Check out American Christian Fiction Writers. They are a great group to join with a variety of online loops, local meetings just about everywhere and a conference you can attend yearly.


There are many webinars you can attend, and never leave your home. This is handy if you have a busy schedule, young kids at work or a hectic work schedule. I recommend starting with whatever aspect you are weakest in. For me, I need help writing emotion. So, I always check out blogs, lessons, and classes on those first.

Attend a Class/Retreat

ACFW has a big conference where you can pitch your book to an agent or editor. But if you’re not ready for the big conference, try a class or a retreat.

A retreat is typically a smaller teaching/learning environment. If you’re an introvert like me, a smaller retreat with fewer people is more desirable. It also allows for more one-on-one learning and interaction. This was how I started. I found my favorite author, Susan May Warren and I was over the top excited when I learned she taught a Storycrafter’s class. At that time, it was a three-day class in Minnesota. I learned so much and met other writers who are my best friends today!

If you are willing to put in the work and the time you can turn the hobby of writing into a publishable book!


Writing as Alena Wendall, Alena Tauriainen pens contemporary Christian romance novels that always end with a happily ever after. By day, she partners with her lifelong mate Clyde, to run the family HVAC business. She manages both business and family life with four lovable but crazy kids. She is the Retreats Coordinator for My Book Therapy. She is represented by Rachelle Gardner with Books & Such Literary Management. Visit her at


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