Writing For Him. No, Not Him As In The Hero But Him As In Jesus

… I mean writing for Him as in the Lord.

A month or so ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt the Lord saying, “Write for me.”

“Of course, always,” I said. “There’s never been a question.”

Then I kind of faced a crisis with writing a book that was hard, and finding myself under the gun.

The pressure mounted.

And when stress and pressure mount on me, I tend to get low and humble before the Lord.

I went back to the drawing board, why do I write? Why am I doing this?

Because to be honest, I wasn’t sure there would be a “next” book for me.

I mean, who needs stress and pressure that keeps you awake at night?

I determined one thing. No way out. No way around. I had to walk through it.

Psalm 23 “When I walk through a dark valley, I fear no evil. You are with me!”

Sitting at my desk wondering if I’d get this book done. And once I did if it’d be any good.

Creativity? What was that… I was just going for words.

I’m blessed Susie Warren was on the other end of the line many times telling me what to write next.

My prayer was “Whatever you want, Lord. What’s the story you want me to tell?

“How can I write really for you?”

I received two critical letters from readers. One from Poland. One from Brazil.

From a reader in Poland:

“I’ve got “Wedding Dress” The novel is amazing! I read it in one breath going to bed late because I could not get away from reading. While reading I was laughing and crying for change. And when I finished a long time I sat in the chair and began to pray. This book touched my heart and soul. I found some of my life in it. I read the Gospel many times, I prayed it. But recently I had the impression that nothing new is there, it does not surprise me. And your book gave me a different perspective on it. I know that Jesus gives the answer and heals every human being.

Then from a young woman in Brazil:

I’m 17 years old and I was at a library when I saw your book “Wedding’s Dress” and it was a fantastic discovery for me. In Brazil we don’t have good christian’s romance books. But i’m in love with yours and I was blessed trough it!
I really want to tell you how it’s important to me. I love reading books and ready a good christian book its amazed me!
Sorry for my english,I hope you could undestand what I mean. God bless you and your talents!!!
I’m praying for you tonight in my report prayer to many girls could find the God’s love trhough yours books.

These letters touched deeply me, reminded me why I do what I do and what it means to write for Him.

When I read the line from the young woman in Brazil, “I’m praying for you,” I lost it. Crying. Bawling.

The Lord said, “This is what you write for, hearts.”

Weeping, weeping, weeping.

I can’t explain how I felt He meant it but it was like “forget awards and accolades, go for the human heart so I can win them.”

Jesus is after hearts. Because He loves us.

How do you write for Him?

For me it means writing to point hearts toward Jesus. Share His love and truth.

RachelCloseUPBest-selling, award-winning author Rachel Hauck loves a great story. She excels in seeing the deeper layers of a story.

With a love for teaching and mentoring, Rachel comes alongside writers to help them craft their novel. A worship leader, board member of ACFW and popular writing teacher, Rachel is the author of over 17 novels. She lives in Florida with her husband and  dog.

Contact her at: Rachel@mybooktherapy.com. Pre order her next release, Princess Ever After, book two in the Royal Wedding Series.

Do you need help with your story idea, synopsis or proposal?How about some one-on-one craft coaching. Check out our menu of services designed to help you advance your writing dreams.

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