Every once in a while you find a book that you wish you had ten years ago.
This is that book.
When I first met Sharon Jenkins, via a talk show/interview, I knew she was special. Energy and enthusiasm for writers simply bubbled out of her, and I immediately saw her heart to help aspiring writers create profitable businesses.
So, when she mentioned her book, Authorpreneurship: Build a successful business as an Author, I knew it was something we wanted for our MBT Marketplace as a resource for our amazing writers.
She worked long and hard to get it to our MBT specifications – something that could serve traditionally published as well as self-published novelists and non-fiction authors.
This is the book I wish I had when I started my writing journey, and I’m proud to announce the launch of this amazing resource!
Watch my fun interview with Sharon here:
And don’t miss our LAUNCH SPECIAL!
And when you buy the book in our MBT Marketplace ($12.99 softcover, $9.99 e-version), you get 2 amazing video classes (FREE!) – Editing Triage and Strategies for Success.
Also available (of course) at Amazon, for your Kindle, and at BN, for your Nook.
Pick it up today, and pay special attention to Time Management for Writers, and How to Assess your Publishing Personality chapters – fantastic!
Go! Write something Brilliant!
Susie May