Let’s Be Frank. Jealousy Is Part Of This Biz

Am I the only one?

You pop on to FB or an email loop to see what’s going on?

Only to find out someone has just GOTTEN THE CALL!

Signed with an agent.

Signed with a house.

Inked a movie deal.

Or finaled in, yea, even won a major award.

Got a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly.

And here you sit! Twenty manuscripts and counting with narry a nod.

Perhaps your first book stunk up the publisher’s sales record to date.

Maybe you’re doing great, building a readership, but can’t seem to hop into the movie market.

Welcome to the world of publishing.

Of anything entertainment wise.

Shoot, I remember struggling in my corporate job with those who advanced faster than me.

Earned more money. (Cause you know we all found out “the big salary” secret anyway!)

My first year in the corporate software world, my teammate and roommate got sent Down Under to Australia.

Wha???? “I’ve always wanted to go there!”

Ho boy, watch out what you ask for.

I got sent a year later. Not once. Twice. Within three months of each other.

Do you KNOW how many hours it takes to fly to Australia?!

I love that country. Thrilled to have been there.

But I was at a place in my life where, well, let’s just say I’d enjoy it more now.

Anyway… back to the big J in the publishing world.

We’ve got to realize others are going to achieve things we are not.

And we are going to achieve things some folks will only dream of.

The key is to stay on the path the Lord has called you!

A few Sundays ago, I was preparing to lead worship and I had “a moment” where I said to our senior pastor and my hubby, “I was born too early! Look at all these amazing worship bands, Bethel Music, Jesus Culture, Misty Edwards, Justin Rizzo, rising on the scene today when fifteen years ago, it would’ve been impossible.”

If I’d have been born in 1980 or 1985, I might be on one of those teams. I might even be my own brand of “Misty Edwards.” Who knows?

But no, what a false idea. I was born exactly at the right time! I didn’t miss any boat. God knew exactly what He as doing.

He divinely put me in my city. (Brief and amazing testimony but trust me, He did.)

I’m here because He needed me here.

Same with my writing.

He divinely put me with the right people and the right time.

So I can’t go doubting Him because well… some things are advancing as quickly as I’d like.

Same with you.

God has got this! Our job it not to focus on the next publishing deal.

Or the movie deal.

Or which award we desperately want.

Or how many five star reviews we don’t have… or do have for that matter.

It’s to fix our gaze on Him.

If we become what we behold, then baby, let’s never glance away from our Beloved!

So how do we deal with Jealousy?

Same as anything else.

Be honest. Take it to the Lord.

2 Corinthians 10:5: Take EVERY thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

When I fix my gaze on Him, He sees to the rest. To my heart. To my success.

He’ll do the same for you, too.

Happy Writing


RachelCloseUPBest-selling, award-winning author Rachel Hauck loves a great story. She excels in seeing the deeper layers of a story.

With a love for teaching and mentoring, Rachel comes alongside writers to help them craft their novel. A worship leader, board member of ACFW and popular writing teacher, Rachel is the author of over 17 novels. She lives in Florida with her husband and  dog.

Contact her at: Rachel@mybooktherapy.com. Her latest release is Once Upon A Prince. Go forth and write!

Do you need help with your story idea, synopsis or proposal? How about some one-on-one craft coaching. Check out our menu of services designed to help you advance your writing dreams.

Comments 9

  1. Besides your excellent writing, I appreciate your clear spirit and God-sensitive helpful views of life. Thanks. I see you steadily, faithfully climbing onward and upward–if anything, at even greater speed.

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  2. Well, my toes are sore after reading this. But I needed to hear it. I’m a late bloomer and sometimes it eats at me. I will be thinking about finding contentment in my time and place. thanks so much.

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  3. It is so easy to compare ourselves to others, but when we do, we always come up on the bad side. Either we’re jealous or we’re thinking Wow! look at me! Not saying I don’t do it, just that I always regret when I do. Great post, Rachel. I so admire your honesty and your God-connection.

  4. Ugh. Yes. I have to admit to feeling this way both about music and my writing career. But knowing that God has me right where He wants me and when He wants me makes me feel safe and secure. Like He’s holding me close and watching every step because, well, He is! I just have to keep my eye on Him and not my own ambitions. Great post.

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