Blast the Winter Blues, part 3: Choose Time Wisely

For those of you who are hibernating up north, I’m sure you are tucked away with a fleece blanket, hot cocoa and your laptop, hammering out word count. For those of us who spend winters in Florida, that’s the time we love to be outdoors in the bright sunshine and warmth. The key to blasting the winter blues is to recognize the differences in your time and use it wisely.

For example, this time of year, I always want to be outside. I live in central Florida and the weather is to die for. If I’m cooped up inside typing out a word count, I become depressed. Seriously. It ain’t pretty. Conversely, hot, sticky summers in the Sunshine State dehydrate me and drive me indoors.

I know this about my life, my seasons and my to-do list. So, as I plan my year, I plan the bulk of my long hours inside my home office for the summer. If I can’t avoid doing computer work during the winter, I grab my laptop and head out to my patio at the lake. That way, I can hammer out my story between the visits from all the birds, squirrels and neighborhood kids.

This isn’t rocket science but I’m amazed at how many people don’t plan their life around what makes them happy or comfortable. Being cooped up indoors can have its toll on even the most severe recluse. Here are a few things I do that can help you beat the winter blues.

Determine what works best for you right now. Just like my scenario above, decide what you want to accomplish for the year and when it works best for you to accomplish it. Set a plan in place to spread your goals over the best time of year.

Work now, play later. If you’re stuck in your cave right now, you know summer will roll around before long. Get that writing done now so you can come out of hibernation when the snow melts.

Do something fun every day. Whatever it is that brings you pleasure, give yourself a healthy dose of it every day. Like to read? Great! Read a couple of chapters from your favorite author’s latest book. Like music? Make yourself a latte and play a CD or two.

Bears never complain about hibernating. They don’t suffer from the winter blues. Why? Because they naturally do what their bodies are designed to do. That’s what you should do as well. Let your physical and emotional self direct how you spend the winter. It really works.

Do you have the winter blues? Share them here.


Comments 2

  1. Reba, what a timely post. Yes, I’ve got the WRITER Winter Blues. The more I learn about the nuts and bolts of writing, the bluer I get. I know I need all those elements in my work and I know there are a lot of obstacles on the road to publication. And should I ever get published, there are websites and blogs to consider. It is so daunting. And in Glendale, Arizona, the weather is now at its nicest. So I like your suggestions to choose the times and seasons to ‘hibernate’ with your work. I’ll choose to do my writing in the dark of early morning and also forego the evening news to get in a little more time. In between, when I’m not giving my Day Job its due, I’ll enjoy some of the sunshine. Thanks, Reba, for your encouragement!

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