Next Step: Using Technology to maximize your writing time!

Alena here, working on my Next Step in my writing journey. I’m still trying to maximize my writing time. For most moms, the kids are back at school but along with that come all kinds of sports and extra-curricular activities.

So most of the writing time I get these days are either weekends or late at night, with time throughout the day. I’m still doing the usual; working on my manuscript at lunchtime, break time, between picking up and waiting for kids.

A quiet house and uninterrupted writing time is such a rare thing for me.

I recently re-discovered my iPod the other day. Now, while it is an automatic tool I take along with me when I’m jogging, it’s not on my list of tools when I think of sitting down to write.

1. Distraction-Killer. Use your iPod, as a distraction-killer. I plugged in my iPod and turned up the music, LOUD. This way those around wouldn’t distract me. I should mention that while I had the iPod in, my kids interrupted, but I wouldn’t look up after the second interruption. Even when I turn off the music, I keep the ear buds in.

When the kids came in again, I didn’t look up. After awhile they just assumed I couldn’t hear them when they came into the study needing one thing or another. You know what? They resolved the issues themselves. See, distraction-killer!

2. Mood setting. Depending on your personality, music might help you set the atmosphere for awesome writing. If that works for you, use it!

3. Learning. Have you attended any conferences lately? Have any files you can transfer to your iPod? I was stuck in my manuscript the other day and I pulled out the audio file for My Book Therapy’s Deep Thinkers Retreat and played while driving. Later on that day, I listened while jogging off the double scoop of ice cream and chocolate cake from my daughter’s birthday celebration. See, it helps to maximizing time.

4. Chatting. If you are a member of My Book Therapy you know about the Monday and Thursday night chats. Unfortunately for me, it falls right around dinner preparation or in-between pick up and drop off of kids. Since I’m chief cook and chauffeur that can often times prevent me from actively participating.

I decided some was better than none, so I put my laptop in the kitchen (far away from water) and learned while cooking. Okay so I did take frequent trips closer to the laptop, but I didn’t burn dinner!

So whether you need a distraction-killer, something to set the atmosphere for creative writing or need help with your current wip, use technology to help take the next step closer to that finished manuscript.

What tips and tricks have you learned to maximize your writing time?

A romance novel addict, Alena juggles life in the family business while mothering four zany kids. She ponders the beginning aspects of a writer’s life while enjoying real life with her family.


Comments 1

  1. Good for you, Alena, to find creative ways to multi-task. Sometimes my biggest distraction is reading a book. (It’s research, you know.) I am trying to get better about bringing my iPad with me while waiting somewhere. Just having something available to record when an idea sparks can make the difference between remembering or forgetting a random brilliant thought.

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