Dealing With Disappointment, Part 2: Why Don’t I Feel Better?

Remember in the Sound of Music when after all the Von Trapp children did everything to overcome their disappointment after discovering Maria had returned to the Abby? They sang and tried to brave their feelings only to have the smallest one, Gretta, utter in despair, “Why don’t I feel better?”

That same sigh is all too common when writers are disappointed. Even when they try to grin and bear it, they still wind up with a heavy hearts. Your hopes lifted your spirits to an all-time high, only to toss you out of the plane without a parachute. When you plummeted back to earth, you emotionally crashed and burned.

Please don’t agree with me and stop reading now. Listen to your heart. Fire in your soul, whether it is from your dream come true or from the burning rubble of the crash and burn can still ignite your fire of passion. It’s true.

You can light a candle from a match, a gas powered candle lighter, another candle, or even a rolled up paper towel you set on fire from the red hot eye on your stove. Fire is fire and no matter which kind you use, the candle will light. Isn’t that awesome?

I see you shaking your disappointed head but hear me out. Here are the facts about those who faced disappointment in their lives.

Thomas Edison: After the 1000th time he tried to shed light on his creation of the light bulb only to be left in the dark, he was as disappointed as they come. But he used each crash and burn to try again. And now, we have light.

Oh, you’ve heard that one. Ok, how about this one:

Brandilyn Collins waited ten years to have her first novel published. Each time, her plan was foiled. She testifies to how many things can go wrong during the writer’s journey. Each time she hit the brick wall and knocked herself silly, she also picked herself up and resolved that publish or rubbish, she would NOT quit. If you read Brandilyn’s seatbelt suspense, I bet you’re glad she didn’t.

Here’s the thing. Disappointment is an emotion and emotions have energy. You can allow that energy to kick you in the gut and knock you out for the count. That’s your right. But, you could harness that energy and use it to fuel your next attempt… and your next.

You’ll probably never have a love affair with disappointment, but you surely can use it as your workhorse! So why not? Let it energize you. Propel you to boldly go where you never thought possible! You’ll be glad you did!


Reba J. Hoffman is a natural encourager and Member Care Coach at My Book Therapy. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling and is the founder of Magellan Life Coaching ( She is the author of Dare to Dream, a Writer’s Journal published by My Book Therapy. She also publishes a motivational and encouraging blog, FindingTrue North. Contact Reba at

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