Don’t Be Fooled Part Three: Driven by What’s Inside

A few years ago Subaru came up with a commercial slogan: Driven by What’s Inside. It made a snappy twenty second spot on TV but that message is not even remotely unique. Since the beginning of time mankind has always been driven by what’s inside. Your thoughts, beliefs, environment and experiences all provide the fuel for your little engine that should.

I coach individuals who have been given a tankful of sugar water. Their emotional engine spat and sputtered until it completely stopped dead in the middle of their road to success. They watch helplessly as others speed by them at lightning speed, seemingly without a care in the world. The only thing they can do is be towed in and have their engine overhauled.

Because we are all driven by what’s inside us, we must make sure the correct fuel fills our tank. Here are a few things you can do in order to ensure you won’t be running on empty:

Install a locking gas cap. If you’re younger, you’re probably thinking, “duh”. However, the locking gas cap is a new invention. It’s also new to your emotions. We’ve gotten into the habit of allowing anyone to fill our tank with all sorts of things. Good or bad, we freely allow them to fill-er-up. The result is that we put our emotions completely in the hands of others. Not good. Put a guard around your emotions and don’t allow anything to go into your tank that you don’t want there. And make it a point to only let premium grade thoughts to run your engine.

Don’t wait until you’re empty to fill up. I’m sure you’ve been on a trip at some point and the gas gauge shows you’re running on empty. The only problem is there is not gas station anywhere close to where you are. Your heart pumps faster, your palms sweat and you pray that the fumes in your tank will get you to the pump. Better planning would avoid that altogether. It’s the same with your emotions. Figure out what fills your tank and take time to fill up often. I read books written by leaders I trust. I pray, or go for a drive in the country. I do it every day. You should to.

Check the pressure levels. This is critical. If you do not have the proper amount of air pressure in your car tires, you could spend a lot of money replacing tires, not to mention creating potentially fatal condition. Emotions are also designed to operate the best with just the right amount of pressure. Too little pressure and they are difficult to manage. Too much pressure and there won’t be enough rubber on your emotional road and you won’t have the control you need to keep you moving in the direction you want in life. Check your pressure frequently and add or remove as needed. Too much pressure? Let some out. Not enough? Blow the winds of motivation into your emotional wellbeing.

These are just a few tips on how to keep your emotional vehicle running properly. Since you are driven by what’s inside, make sure your emotions are running in top performance.

What’s in your tank? High Octane Fuel? Or Sugar Water? I’d love to hear from you. Email me at


Dr. Reba J. Hoffman, Member Care CoachReba J. Hoffman is the MBT Member Care Coach. She has a PhD in clinical counseling and is the founder and president of New Hope Institute of Counseling. Reba uses her gift of encouragement to help writers overcome negative emotions so they can live their dream of being a writer. Her works appear in publications such as Running for the Woman’s Soul by Road Runner Sports and The Good Fight by Donna Hicken. She is the author of My Book Therapy’s Dare to Dream, a Writer’s Journal. Contact her at


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