Seven Things Every Writer Must Do, Part Six: Add Value to Others

I love to encourage others. To motivate them and help point them to success. At the end of the day, if I’ve added value to someone, I feel fulfilled. For me to see a writer who is discouraged, afraid or lacking self confidence is like saying “sick-umm” to a bull dog. I’m all over it.

 You might say I jump on the opportunity because God gave me the gift of encouragement. While that is true, it wouldn’t work if I didn’t believe it. But, fortunately, I do believe in the human spirit and how much it can achieve. And I truly want to see everyone live up to their potential. To live their dream.

 Think of children. When they are faced with an unfamiliar task, they may be timid. They could even run from the challenge. But if you tell them you know they can do it, they suddenly change. They stand taller, square their shoulders and bowl over the challenge like it was nothing but thin air. Why? Because you believed in them and that added value to their life and circumstance.

 To be truly successful, writers must do the same thing. They must reach out to others along the writing road. Here are a few things I’ve learned about this.

 There will always be someone who needs your encouragement. God will see to it. None of us are at the same place emotionally, professionally or developmentally. Inevitably someone will enter your world needing the exact truth you learned earlier on your journey. Why do you think you went through that? No, it wasn’t because satan doesn’t like you. You went to the only place where you could pick up precious golden nuggets of truth to prosper others. Use it.

 Adding value to others multiplies the value back to you. If we take what we learn, give it out to others, we won’t have room to contain all that will return to us. I don’t know how this happens. I surely defies my logic but it will happen.

 People will naturally be drawn to you, and your books. When you sow into the life and career of others, you are building relationship. They reserve a place in their heart just for you. Think about your own life. Who are you most drawn to? Those who take an interest in you, who reach out to you and who are there for you when you need them. You want to know them better. To get inside their head. To peel back the layers of their heart. What better way than reading their books?!

 I know you have something you can do, say or write that will add value to others. There’s not a person alive who doesn’t. The question then is, will you do it?


Reba J. Hoffman

Member Care Coach


Who has added value to you? How can you add value to others? Email your answer to

Comments 2

  1. Right here at home (well, not here anymore) are two of my greatest encouragers: my daughter and my youngest son. They have done so much to help me believe in myself. Anything I want to do, they say, “Go for it, Mom. You can do it. I have faith in you.” (And my daughter will use tough love on me when necessary. lol) I have also been blessed with two friends who have made a huge impact on my life. They walked me every step of the way, telling me I could do anything, as I found my way back to the person God created me to be. (And, there have been many others along the way.) I have been so blessed and I thank God constantly.

    Thanks for this message, Reba. It is quite clear that you are one special lady!! And I so look forward to getting to know you better!

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