How to Write a Suspense Chapter 2 – Moving the Character toward the Noble Quest!

You’ve jump started your story with an inciting incident, and home world (maybe not in that order, but definitely in the first chapter) and now you need to write…Chapter 2.

Last week we talked about the considerations in crafting Chapter 1.  To see the checklist, click here.

And, to catch up with the story to date…Chapter 1, Scene 1 Kenzie, Chapter 1 Scene 1 Luke

That first chapter is key for pulling your reader into the story.  They need to like the characters (and worry about them) enough to keep reading to chapter 2.

But now, you need to give your reader a reason to go on the Noble Quest with them.  This chapter is all about giving your character (and your reader) enough motivation to go on the journey.

Chapter 2 is The Great Debate.
The Great Debate is the Why/Why Nots of going on the journey.  Have you ever read a book or seen a movie where the character decides to do something and you, as the viewer/reader don’t get it?  Why did they make that decision?  Worse is when there is an easier way to solve the problem, and you as the reader/viewer see it when the character doesn’t. That makes for a You’re Too Dumb to Live character.

Solve this by having a Great Debate.

The Great Debate is just that – it’s your character considering the cost of going on the journey.

They need to grapple with:
What it will cost them.
What is at stake.
These are external considerations.

Internal Considerations involve their backstory/motivations.  They’re revealed through:

Why they should go.
Why they should stay.

And should, ultimately hint at the inner struggle/even the spiritual lie they believe.

Often Chapter 2 is a ReAction scene, but be sure and add in enough mood to ramp up the suspense through the use of your verbs and nouns.

Read Kenzie’s Chapter 2 Scene:  Chapter 2.Scene 2.Kenzie with SMW Comments

Tomorrow I’ll post a Chapter 2 Checklist for you to use.

And, if you need help brainstorming, stop by for our Monday Night Brainstorm Chat with our Brainstorm Coach, Michelle Lim!  7-8:30 pm, CST!

Happy Debating!
Susie May




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