We have a story!

The Actress and the Park Ranger!

What, you didn’t like my talk show/teacher idea?  Aw, my poor banjo-playing history teacher.  But onward we go with our everyday Park Ranger hero, and our Celebrity!  We have a few more elements to create before we can draft our story summary, and figure out the key points of the story…

First – we need to figure out the hero and heroine’s spiritual epiphany.  This is different than the black moment, which is all about their fears.  The spiritual epiphany is what they experience shortly before or after the black moment, and it’s what the story is leading up to.  So, to discover what the spiritual epiphany in, we need to look back into their past, and figure out what event or situation affected their lives so much that they are still living that lesson today.  Ideally it would embedded in them some sort of lie they believe about life…

for example in my recent book, Nothing But Trouble, my heroine believes that she will never be “normal” – that she’ll always be trouble, evidenced by the fact that she never fits in an always seems to cause problems (case in point, burning down the country club on prom night her senior year).  The lie is that she is a misfit….
But the TRUTH will set her free…that she is exactly the person God created her to be, and that is good.

See, we’re uncovering the lie, so we can blast it with the truth, and set them free. 

So, for the rest of the week, we’ll be brainstorming the past event of our hero and heroine, and the LIE they believe from it.  Then, we’ll suggest the TRUTH that will set them free…

Secondly – -we need to brainstorm an inciting incident.  It should be something that betrays the theme of the story – that she doesn’t believe anyone is after her, and that he wants to stay out of the limelight. Also, it should show their competence as well as set up their obstacles.  Don’t worry, I’ll come up with a hook…we just need a great opening.  For more about inciting incidents read our I.I. posts from 2008.

Go to http://mybooktherapy.ning.com/  To participate in the Lie vs. Truth, and Inciting Incident discussions! 

Stop by tomorrow and we’ll have a new poll — the faces and names of our hero and heroine!

Don’t forget…every Voice counts!

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