The Greatest!

Hello from beautiful Montana! I’m skiing this week with the fam, so this will be my only post, but I’m itching to get our hero off the sofa and out on his journey, so I had to give you the last tool we’ll need to craft our story and head our hero in the right direction. I call them the GREATEST devices. Or, the Greatest Fear and the Greatest Dream.

The Greatest Fear
A few weeks ago we talked about the fears of our hero –things that deepen his characterization, and add texture, and opportunities for the heroine to know him and grow as a hero. But deeper than his surface fears is his Greatest Fear. It’s that soul deep dread that he would do anything to avoid. It’s this Greatest Fear that keeps him always vigilant, always moving. It can work opposite or in tandem with the hero’s Noble Cause, but always has a specific manifestation that the author can identify and use to create the Black Moment.

The Black Moment is, of course, the realization of all his fears. And in a good book, that’s exactly what you want to have happen.

How do you find that Black Moment?

Look back at your notes about the worst moment in his life, and how it affected him. What would he avoid at all costs? What would turn his world inside out? What would make him curl into a ball and crumble? This is the black moment you want to create for your character.

The opposite of the greatest fears, is the Greatest Dream. The greatest dream is found in asking, what do you hope for? What is your happily ever after? Often, in a book, we get a glimpse of that greatest dream, and it’s enough for your character to strive after, even if he thinks it’s unattainable.

Before your hero sets out on his journey, you need to ask him – what is your Greatest Fear, and what is your Greatest Dream? Knowing these secrets will give you the black moment, and the happily ever after.

Next week, after I’m back from skiing, we’ll start our hero out on his journey. Finally! Until then, hop over to Voices and let’s hear what black moments you’ve created for your hero!

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