by James L. Rubart, @jameslrubart Before I get to the lessons, let me quickly tell you how Susie and I met. But even before that, I must describe my first …
How Self-Aware Should My Characters Be?
By Amanda Cox, @AmandaCoxWrites As an author with a background in counseling, there’s nothing I love more than digging deep into a character’s childhood and other defining moments–using those elements …
Writing Through Grief
by Jennifer Chastain, @JenniferCwrites Have you ever felt as if your writing well has dried up? That you couldn’t imagine another story, let alone pen a coherent sentence? I’ve been …
The Persistent Knight: Understanding Your Novel’s Worldview
by Peter Leavell, @PeterLeavell The most critical choice of the novelist is worldview. Why? Because our novels are teachers. Your world will forever be locked in print. Now, ‘isms’ step …
Five Tips for ‘Looking’ at Your World
by Marie Wells Coutu, @mwcoutu Writers see the world differently. And we have the privilege of describing it so our readers can see what we see. And sometimes, even we are …