Endless Summer, Part Three: One Last Fling

Doesn’t that just sound fun? Not to mention mysterious and just a bit naughty. After all, you’re a responsible adult, right? You must always be in control. One last fling sounds so, so inappropriate. That could not be farther from the truth. Here’s why.

It unplugs you. More so than any time in your life, pulling the plug is vital to your emotional health and happiness. You have to disengage from the rigors and responsibilities of your daily routine.

It energizes you. Taking the time to have one last fling is like taking a Sunday afternoon nap. The nap gets you ready for the busy week. The fling gets you ready for a season of writing.

It releases your creativity. To laugh and play frees your brain up to freely do what it does the best: craft new characters and plots.

It satisfies you. When you spend a summer doing those things that are important to you, sitting down at the computer to work on your story doesn’t seem like work because you don’t have the feeling you’re missing something.

Your body is designed to surge and rest, surge and rest. That’s why we have nighttime, weekends and summers. We need them. We won’t do well in the long run if we skip them.

Unfortunately, today’s world is designed to never sleep. There’s always something happening and something to do. Not only that, there are usually at least five seemingly “Must Do” things pulling you in every direction.

The world will not give you time to unplug and have that one last fling. You must demand it. If you do, you’ll be better for it and that world that wants all of you will actually get more of you in the long run. And a better you!

So go ahead and have that one last fling. Let your hair down. Do what you love to do. Like sand between your toes? Have a weekend at the beach. Like the country? Take a nice long drive. Are the mountains calling your name? You know what to do.

The important thing is that you do it. Whatever “it” is. If you do, you’ll set yourself up for a very productive next season of your writing career. You and your readers deserve you at your best. So, fling it one last time!


Reba J. Hoffman is a natural encourager and Member Care Coach at My Book Therapy. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling and is the founder of Magellan Life Coaching (www.magellanlifecoaching.com). She is the author of Dare to Dream, a Writer’s Journal published by My Book Therapy. She also publishes a motivational and encouraging blog, FindingTrue North. Contact Reba at reba@magellanlifecoaching.com.


“Party Pup” Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/  Stuart Miles

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