3 Ways to Conquer Your Writing Doubts

by Kariss Lynch, @Kariss_Lynch

It happens to all of us—the doubt, the fear, the worry we just can’t measure up, that readers won’t buy our books, that the story will fall flat or won’t matter. These feelings can hinder progress, sometimes halting it completely. They can creep into our story and take over. But as my pastor reminds our church constantly: “Your feelings are real but not reliable.”

So instead of allowing those doubts to burrow into our stories and our abilities, it’s time to conquer those doubts, and I have three ways to do so.

  1. Tell someone.

That’s right. Say those doubts out loud to someone who knows you well, loves you, and is in your corner. Our loved ones are often our greatest lie detectors and cheerleaders. They can remind you what’s true and affirm what you may have forgotten – your story matters and you can write something brilliant (as Susie likes to say). Then here’s what you have to do after they tell you all the ways your doubt is lying to you: believe them. Start countering that doubt with what’s true.

  1. Make a list of your wins. 

When my third book was suddenly cancelled, I was devastated. It impacted how I saw myself as a writer. There was a lot of confusing information and conflicting advice. But then emails and messages from readers kept hitting my inbox. I was reminded that I had people who loved the story. I was reminded that I DID get published and could do it again. I was reminded that my prayers had already been answered – that just one person would be impacted.

When I started to realize what I could do, I was able to make a plan for what to do next. Sure enough, that third book was published. The whole series was republished. Another new book was released. And another is in progress. My biggest affirmation for myself when I wonder how in the world I’m going to write another book is looking back at what I have been able to accomplish. I did it before, so I can and WILL again!

  1. Don’t quit. 

One of the biggest ways to conquer your writing doubts is to refuse to quit. Are you stuck? That’s okay. Set a timer and go journal. Write a blog post. Work on a different scene. Brain dump all of your fun ideas on one page without worrying how they fit. 

Write. Even if you need to write something different. 

Get up. Go outside. Bake something. Work out. Then come back and get something on the page. 

Your doubt does not get the final say. Sometimes it may feel like an uphill battle to conquer your doubt. But keep putting one foot in front of the other; one word and then the next. It’s normal to doubt. But let’s not stay there. You’re not alone! Keep going, friend. You’ve got this.


Heart’s Cry

When a car almost runs over him in the middle of a snowstorm, ex-Navy SEAL Micah Richards knows he’s hit rock bottom. After the deaths of several of his teammates, Micah is sure of two things: he only hurts those he tries to protect and their deaths are his fault. He has one family left on his list to pay his respects but stranded on the side of a mountain in the middle of the night, Micah has run low on options until Casey Stewart comes careening into his life.

The last thing Casey wants is a man, especially one as charming and handsome as Micah who reminds her of her heartache from high school. And especially not when she has so much on her plate: kids trapped in the middle of bad neighborhood cycles at home and a sister who needs out from under their mother’s roof. But helping is in her nature, and something about Micah makes her want to let him in.

Now in the same city, Micah and Casey just can’t seem to stay away from one another, despite Casey’s best efforts. The more, he gets to know the community, the more he wants to stay. When a local drug dealer goes awry, Casey has only one person to turn to—the one who could hurt her heart the most. Micah must face the demons of his past to fight for his new team and new dream—a woman with the heart of a warrior who fights for others. A woman he would die for.

Kariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves writing romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, Kariss goes on adventures with her own personal handsome hero, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at karisslynch.com, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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