Writing Through The Holiday Season

Are you asking yourself the same question as I am?  How in world is any sane person supposed to fit in writing with the busy holiday season and a day job?

It is possible. You can do this!

I so badly want to complete my wip this year. If I didn’t think I was crazy when characters started talking to me, trying to complete a book during the holiday season should make me certifiable crazy.

Here are some strategies I plan to employ as I start operation, Finish That Book!

  1. Plan: I made a plan using some of the strategies recommended by fellow writers.
    1. Plan. Take time to realistically plan your writing time. Make plenty of room for kids parties, evening parties and all that shopping you still have to get done. Be realistic.
    2. Enlist The Aid And Support Of Family. My family knows my goals and I hope they can respect that writing time. To help my children remember, on my study door there is now a note that says. “Disturb at your own risk.”
    3. Meals. The crockpot is now my best friend. I pulled our favorite crockpot meals, grocery shopped with my daughters and enlisted their help. Dinner should be ready every night. Now whether it’s edible, depends on which one of my children cooks.
    4. Work. I plan to maximize my time at work. Ever notice just how much work you can get done before you go on vacation? That’s the mindset I’ve employed.

And of course, life still interrupts. Take this week for example. I got sick. Sleep—on the couch to keep the germs to myself—sick. Let’s not forget the dog. Yes, the dog had puppies (seven if you were curious) and we had a major glitch in our computer software at work.

What to do?

Pray. Prayer shifted my focus. Best laid plans tend to go by the wayside. Trust me, I like to plan. I am the certifiably crazy person that makes list upon list. To remind myself to keep the right perspective I’ve stuck a post-it note on my night table. In big red ink. I wrote “PRAY”. Before my feet touch the ground, I’ve begun asking God, “What can I do for you today, Lord?” In all my busyness, if I forget God, what have I really accomplished?

Grab. Every. Moment. I grab every moment I can, when I can. Today, I had to drop off and wait for my daughter to finish her piano lesson. Instead of getting all frazzled, I pulled out my phone and worked on a scene (Thank you Lisa Jordan for that tip).

Oh and here is my last tip. Company Over? Entertaining Guests? Involve them. Seriously. I have family staying at my home, a total of nine people until after the new year. That in itself is a distraction. I asked them what they think about something I’m working on, especially if I’m stumped. Trust me, the last time I did this, I asked about Texas slang. The results were hilarious.

What helps you to write during this season?


Alena Tauriainen


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