How do you build a powerful Noble Quest for your character, launching him off into his Second Act Journey with enough motivation, yet enough reward waiting at the end? This …
How do you build strong motivation for your character? Chapter 3: The Start of the Noble Quest
How do you structure your novel? How many words in a scene, or pages in a chapter? I get that question a lot, because the truth is there is no …
From the Inside….Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you!
I’m so excited to announce that….I wrote a writing book!! I’ve been wanting to do this for a few years now, a response to so many of the basic, but …
A little background on the Talk Show Host and the Teacher
So, maybe it would help you know which way to vote if you knew who you were vote for. Here’s a bit of Background on our characters, using the simple …
Pick your Premise!
One thing I love about writing stories, is that regardless of the similar plots there, everyone has their own take on life, story, theme, etc. So many incredible VOICES in …