Rachel Hauck

Finding God In Our Work

We’re more than authors. More than Christians.

We’re children of God. Co-heirs with Christ.

We are the BRIDE of Christ.

So when we sit down to write our novels, we are not just putting words to page, or crafting something of make believe for entertainment.

We are also revealing God.

Come on, Rachel, how can that be?

Romans 1:20 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

Real Time Book Therapy

I’m working with a My Book Therapy premium member and she sent me this excerpt from her first chapter. She’s doing a great job of using the right tools — showing a hint of the want, wound, lie and fear, but the journey is a bit bumpy.

With her permission, I’m using our exchange to give you all some real time book therapy.

The story is a Biblical account set in the time of Elijah. The hero, is the son of a high priestess of a pagan god and expected to follow in her footsteps. But he’s starting to realize this is not what he was born to do.

At dawn on Preparation Day, Aban pulled on the threadbare tunic he’d purchased from the rag seller and climbed out a rear window, the very one he guarded during the nightly rituals to keep freeloaders from climbing into the temple of Melqart.

What To Do When Publishing Isn’t Going Your Way

It’s bound to happen.

Your publishing dreams will be challenged.

Stifled. Stomped on. Trampled like an old dirty rag.
You quiver with doubt.

You shake with despair.

“When will I ever achieve my goal?”

Hang in there. The publishing road is well-worn with folks just like you.

The millions of authors who have gone before you and made the publishing path just a little bit wider.

A little bit smoother.

Writing a novel is hard work.

It requires dedication. Devotion. Unending hours of butt-in-chair.

But the business of publishing is even more of a challenge.

Your critique partner gets “the call.”

You don’t.

Story World, Setting, Time and Space

We talk a lot about story world here at My Book Therapy.

And many of you have mastered the craft “tool” creating a story world.

We define story world as the “place and space” where your characters live.

You have to set their world so the reader can picture the scenes and setting, get a feel for the protagonist’s environment.

But story world is so much more.

Story world must permeate your novel.

Story world is the time of day when a new chapter starts.

It’s the place, the sights, the sounds, the fragrances of where your protagonist was when he launched his story journey.

I’m not talking about over describing a living room or the walls of a town hall meeting — unless it’s significant to the story — but creating a world is which your characters live.

Old school writing doesn’t give a lot of time and place.

The protagonists simple go to “the next day.”

Or, “Gina met Tom at the diner for lunch.”

When? The next day? A week later?

Rachel Hauck, Susan May Warren, My Book Therapy

Ready, Set, Go! NaNoWriMo

Wow, it’s time for National November Writers Month!

Congratulations to those who are participating for the first time. Or the fifth or sixth time!

I’m in. I’ve a deadline February 1 and I need to BIC it. (Butt-in-Chair)

So, what can you do to help your success?

1. Make a plan. What are you going to do with your time? How, when and where are you going to write? Do you need help? Do you need compliance from your spouse, your family, your friends? Work it out!
2. Plan your story. Read this post to get the core basics of planning a story. Not outlining, but planning! It’s very key to use your time wisely and to get some depth to your story.
3. Determination. Just determine this is a go for it month. You will get up early. You will shut off the TV at night. Say “No” to all you can.
4. Get your kids on board. Make them a part of mom/dad’s goal. Give rewards for them helping you achieve your goal. God is a rewarder. Parents should be too.
5. Do not edit. Meaning, do not go back and rewrite or start over. If you change setting, names, from an historical to a contemporary, do NOT go back. Just keep pressing on.
6. Do not be critical. If you have was in every sentence. so what. YOU CAN FIX IT. But get those words on the page.
7. Okay… all that being said, do pause before each session to consider where you’re going. Do pause to try to the best sentence you can.
8. Set a word count. How much do you need to write each day to make 50K. Figure out the days you can’t write and calculate how much you need to get down at each session.
9. Pray. Ask the Lord for wisdom. Daniel 1:17.
10. And Go!! Participate int he challenge. Log your word count. Press on when you’re tired. Do it.