by Rebecca Yauger, @RebeccaYauger
Writing is a solitary business. Yet we all know that no one can succeed alone. We all need a little support.
Do you have that one friend who encourages you and believes in you so much that you don’t want to let them down? They push you in positive ways that keep you moving forward.
I have such a friend. She’s not a writer but is someone who believes in me and takes the time to send a weekly email that simply says, “You can do it.” She is such an encourager, and her belief is what sustains me and keeps me encouraged.

If you don’t have that someone in your life, then a place to start is to be that person for someone else. Is there a friend either within the writing community, or not, that you can inspire? When you can do that, you may find someone will come along to cheer you on as well.
As writers, this is why writing communities such as My Book Therapy, ACFW, or Faith, Hope, Love Christian Writers are so important.
Having encouragement is a blessing. And along the way, don’t forget to be a blessing to someone else, too. You’ll both benefit, and hopefully reap rewards down the road that go far beyond writing.
Rebecca Yauger is a writer and blogger who writes about real friendship and relationships, and all the ties that bond us. She’s been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Guideposts Magazine. She is a three-time cancer survivor and church life group leader. Rebecca grew up in a military family, and now after living all over the world, she makes her home near Dallas. She is married to her high school sweetheart and is a proud mother and grandmother. Visit her at