Writing With God – Whatever Is Excellent

by Kariss Lynch, @Kariss_Lynch

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

For almost 10 years, I worked in the communications ministry of a large church overseeing a variety of areas. During that time, my boss led a leadership luncheon where he challenged our staff to rise to a level of excellence that would not only rival, but top any other business. Why? As an organization centered around the Lord, our work should be excellent, not by church standards but by any standard.

Perhaps, this is why I resonated with Jordan Raynor’s Bible Gateway devotional series titled, Mister Rogers and the Call to Create. In it, he says, “Fred Rogers believed that because we are called to do our work for the glory of God and the good of others, only our most excellent work will do. Whether you’re called to create a TV show, a book, a business, or a new process at work, the fact is that all of us have been called to be ‘repairers of creation’—influencing culture winsomely by demonstrating the redemptive themes of the gospel.”

I love this quote and this mindset. No matter the genre or which market we identify with, we are called to work excellently. Our work should demonstrate redemptive themes of the gospel, whether our novels are overtly Christian or not. 

I believe this means we not only focus on the quantity of time we spend on our novel but making it quality, as well. We write books that can and should rival or beat anything on the New York Times Bestseller list, whether our novel ever makes the list or not. I think this means we are thoughtful in the themes and concepts we choose to feature in our stories.

I also think this means that we hit pause, either before we begin our books or in the middle if we must, and dream with God a little. What would it look like for this book to be your best one yet because you dreamed with God about what it could be?

I’ll be honest. I get caught up in the character charts, plotting, scheduling, marketing, newsletters, blog posts, and just plain ole writing. You know what I forget sometimes? Sitting down and committing the story to the Lord. Dreaming with him about what it could be. And then just writing. 

So I’m flipping the process. I want to create something excellent because I started with the Lord. And I want to finish the book with him, too. I’m excited for how this can transform my stories. And I’m excited for how it will transform yours… Are you ready? In this with you, friend. You’ve got this.

Heart’s Cry

When a car almost runs over him in the middle of a snowstorm, ex-Navy SEAL Micah Richards knows he’s hit rock bottom. After the deaths of several of his teammates, Micah is sure of two things: he only hurts those he tries to protect and their deaths are his fault. He has one family left on his list to pay his respects but stranded on the side of a mountain in the middle of the night, Micah has run low on options until Casey Stewart comes careening into his life.

The last thing Casey wants is a man, especially one as charming and handsome as Micah who reminds her of her heartache from high school. And especially not when she has so much on her plate: kids trapped in the middle of bad neighborhood cycles at home and a sister who needs out from under their mother’s roof. But helping is in her nature, and something about Micah makes her want to let him in.

Now in the same city, Micah and Casey just can’t seem to stay away from one another, despite Casey’s best efforts. The more, he gets to know the community, the more he wants to stay. When a local drug dealer goes awry, Casey has only one person to turn to—the one who could hurt her heart the most. Micah must face the demons of his past to fight for his new team and new dream—a woman with the heart of a warrior who fights for others. A woman he would die for.

Kariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves writing romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, Kariss goes on adventures with her own personal handsome hero, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at karisslynch.com, or on FacebookInstagram, or Goodreads.

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